I got a subckt definition like is:
subckt nmos w=5e-6 l=0.18e-6 ...
+ tox_mismatch = mis_tox * parama
ends nmos
The mis_tox is defined in another file:
+ mis_tox = 0
section stat
statistics {
process {
mismatch {
vary mis_tox dist=gauss std=1.0
endsection stat
When I tried to netlist a nmos instance like:
M0 nmos w=5e-6 l=0.18e-6 mis_tox = 1.25
The spectre report "Attempt to override value of inherited
Since I need to override a different value of mis_tox for each nmos
instance, is there a way to do that?
subckt nmos w=5e-6 l=0.18e-6 ...
+ tox_mismatch = mis_tox * parama
ends nmos
The mis_tox is defined in another file:
+ mis_tox = 0
section stat
statistics {
process {
mismatch {
vary mis_tox dist=gauss std=1.0
endsection stat
When I tried to netlist a nmos instance like:
M0 nmos w=5e-6 l=0.18e-6 mis_tox = 1.25
The spectre report "Attempt to override value of inherited
Since I need to override a different value of mis_tox for each nmos
instance, is there a way to do that?