When I extract my layout including the parasitic caps, I get a bunch
of caps from each net, floating around in the layout.
My question is, how can I find where exactly these capacitors come
from? in other words, lets say I get two parasitic capacitors between
nodes /out and /outb with values 5 fF and 0.1 fF. I'd like to know
where the 5-fF capacitor is generated from and from which parts of the
layout; so I can get more insight in reducing those.
thanks a lot!
When I extract my layout including the parasitic caps, I get a bunch
of caps from each net, floating around in the layout.
My question is, how can I find where exactly these capacitors come
from? in other words, lets say I get two parasitic capacitors between
nodes /out and /outb with values 5 fF and 0.1 fF. I'd like to know
where the 5-fF capacitor is generated from and from which parts of the
layout; so I can get more insight in reducing those.
thanks a lot!