After having been to the class-meeting I told you about, I came again in
contact with my former arts teacher.
38yrs. ago we had been doing a kybernetic sculpture together, consisting of
a wave-shaped long mirror with 7 flash tubes in the focus points of it.
A small cutout of a piano keyboard(1 octave) was used to trigger those tubes
by the spectators. Now he asked me to restore the original condition again.
I had the idea to make another interface working with a mike array. The
sound of people standing in front is picked up, processed and triggers the
respective bulbs. Bandpass filters with moderate Q(5) resonate between 200
and 800Hz (adjustable). The idea is to get the people humming/singing and if
they hit the right pitch the bulb starts flashing faster up to 5/s. If there
are several people in harmony more bulbs will start flashing, you get it.
To avoid people screaming too loud I want to make a AGC circuit, that keeps
the level constant over a range of 60dB.
Here is my AGC being the most critical block:
1/4 SSM2164 /|----.
o / | \/ | ___ -5V
| .---< | /\ o--o-|___|-o
threshold.-. | \ | | | 15k
.--->| | .-. \|-o--' .-.
| | | | | | | |
| '-' 15k| | | | |510
| | '-' || | '-'
| GND o-----||-o |
| | 1n|| | ---
|0.003..3V___ | |\ | ---560p
| .----|___|--o--|-\ | |
| | 10k | >--o ===
.-o---o------. .--|+/ | GND
| fullwave | | |/ |
| Rectifier| === | ___
| Averager | GND | .-|___|-.
'-----o------' .-o-|\ | 15k |
| ___ | \/| \ | |\ |
o----o---------|___|-o--o /\| >-o-|-\ | ||
Input 15k | | | / | >--o---||---o to
.-. '---|/ .-|+/ || filter bank
| | | |/
510| | |
'-' ===
560p --- 1/4 SSM2164
(created by AACircuit v1.28 beta 10/06/04 www.tech-chat.de)
ciao Ban
Bordighera, Italy
contact with my former arts teacher.
38yrs. ago we had been doing a kybernetic sculpture together, consisting of
a wave-shaped long mirror with 7 flash tubes in the focus points of it.
A small cutout of a piano keyboard(1 octave) was used to trigger those tubes
by the spectators. Now he asked me to restore the original condition again.
I had the idea to make another interface working with a mike array. The
sound of people standing in front is picked up, processed and triggers the
respective bulbs. Bandpass filters with moderate Q(5) resonate between 200
and 800Hz (adjustable). The idea is to get the people humming/singing and if
they hit the right pitch the bulb starts flashing faster up to 5/s. If there
are several people in harmony more bulbs will start flashing, you get it.
To avoid people screaming too loud I want to make a AGC circuit, that keeps
the level constant over a range of 60dB.
Here is my AGC being the most critical block:
1/4 SSM2164 /|----.
o / | \/ | ___ -5V
| .---< | /\ o--o-|___|-o
threshold.-. | \ | | | 15k
.--->| | .-. \|-o--' .-.
| | | | | | | |
| '-' 15k| | | | |510
| | '-' || | '-'
| GND o-----||-o |
| | 1n|| | ---
|0.003..3V___ | |\ | ---560p
| .----|___|--o--|-\ | |
| | 10k | >--o ===
.-o---o------. .--|+/ | GND
| fullwave | | |/ |
| Rectifier| === | ___
| Averager | GND | .-|___|-.
'-----o------' .-o-|\ | 15k |
| ___ | \/| \ | |\ |
o----o---------|___|-o--o /\| >-o-|-\ | ||
Input 15k | | | / | >--o---||---o to
.-. '---|/ .-|+/ || filter bank
| | | |/
510| | |
'-' ===
560p --- 1/4 SSM2164
(created by AACircuit v1.28 beta 10/06/04 www.tech-chat.de)
ciao Ban
Bordighera, Italy