Farhana Sharmin Snigdha
I have a module named dct_8p where I have an input array of 8 elements, where each element is a 4 bit number and 8 element output array each contains 5 bit number.
I want to pass each 4bit number input through the module.
I was trying to read the design through design vision. It generates an error
/scratch/Farhana/Synopsys/dct_8p.v:56: Illegal reference to memory xin. (VER-253)
I guess I am doing very silly mistakes in array declaration which I cannot get.Please let me know what I am missing.
input [3:0] xin [0:7];
input cin;
output [4:0] xout[0:7];
input add,sub;
//layer 1
RCA3 #(.n(4), .approx(0)) l10(.p(xin[0]),.q(xin[]),.ci(cin),.op(add),.r(xout[0])); [ line 56]
module RCA3(p,q,ci,op,r);
parameter n=4;
input ci,op;
output [n:0] r;
I have a module named dct_8p where I have an input array of 8 elements, where each element is a 4 bit number and 8 element output array each contains 5 bit number.
I want to pass each 4bit number input through the module.
I was trying to read the design through design vision. It generates an error
/scratch/Farhana/Synopsys/dct_8p.v:56: Illegal reference to memory xin. (VER-253)
I guess I am doing very silly mistakes in array declaration which I cannot get.Please let me know what I am missing.
input [3:0] xin [0:7];
input cin;
output [4:0] xout[0:7];
input add,sub;
//layer 1
RCA3 #(.n(4), .approx(0)) l10(.p(xin[0]),.q(xin[]),.ci(cin),.op(add),.r(xout[0])); [ line 56]
module RCA3(p,q,ci,op,r);
parameter n=4;
input ci,op;
output [n:0] r;