I'm trying use array of instances with a different parameters for
input_buffer i_input_buffer [1:0] (.A(A[23:0]) ,
defparam i_input_buffer[0].WIDTH = 8;
defparam i_input_buffer[1].WIDTH = 16;
but ncverilog inform ERROR
ncelab: *E,CAOIPS (file.v,71|29): port has different sizes in different
instances of this array.
.A (A),
nchelp ncelab CAOIPS output is :
nchelp: 05.60-s003: (c) Copyright 1995-2006 Cadence Design Systems,
ncelab/CAOIPS =
The formal port for the indicated expression has different sizes in
different instances within the instance array. Port sizes must be
consistent for all instances in an instance array.
My question
Do you have any idea how to set different parrameter to different
instances in array of instances ?
I'm trying use array of instances with a different parameters for
input_buffer i_input_buffer [1:0] (.A(A[23:0]) ,
defparam i_input_buffer[0].WIDTH = 8;
defparam i_input_buffer[1].WIDTH = 16;
but ncverilog inform ERROR
ncelab: *E,CAOIPS (file.v,71|29): port has different sizes in different
instances of this array.
.A (A),
nchelp ncelab CAOIPS output is :
nchelp: 05.60-s003: (c) Copyright 1995-2006 Cadence Design Systems,
ncelab/CAOIPS =
The formal port for the indicated expression has different sizes in
different instances within the instance array. Port sizes must be
consistent for all instances in an instance array.
My question
Do you have any idea how to set different parrameter to different
instances in array of instances ?