are projection 4:3 tv's still available??



after reading a number of horror stories regarding the degration of
picture quality when using a hdtv widescreen tv to watch cable tv . .

i have decided to purchase the old 4:3 format projection tv . .
but am having trouble finding one . . .

any ideas?
I would never do that! The 4:3 sets are still available at much reduced
prices, because they are on their way out, and most are discontinued.
Infact, in a few more years, many of the service parts will be hard to come

HDTV is becoming more prevalent, and the 16:9 will soon be the new standard
everywhere. It is now the main standard in most of Europe, and in Japan.
Most broadcasters renew their equipment about every 5 to 7 years. All the
new equipment coming out for them is in the 16:9 format, and soon the new
standard will be HDTV only.

As for your HD set, if you were to feed it with the proper cable box, and
use a compatible DVD player, the pictures will be striking during digital
broadcasts, and during HDTV broadcasts.

Another thing to consider, is that ALL the rear screen TV sets are soft to
begin with. There is a big loss when projecting a picture through a semi
transparent screen. Having 3 projection tubes or LCD panels, contributes
resolution losses due to inherent convergence and shading errors. The best
is a direct view set, such as a CRT, Plasma display, or LCD display, or
frontal projection set (almost as good as the other direct view

Personally, I would never buy a rear screen set. After I tried one out for
a while, and also considering the service problems with them (from being in
the service business), I shipped it back, and stayed with a large CRT type
set for the time being. I am considering to wait for the new technology
sets that are supposed to come out late this summer, or early in 2005. The
LCD sets, and the new DLP technology sets are supposed to drop drastically
in price. This new technology TV system will the thing to get.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG

"Kmatera4" <> wrote in message
after reading a number of horror stories regarding the degration of
picture quality when using a hdtv widescreen tv to watch cable tv . .

i have decided to purchase the old 4:3 format projection tv . .
but am having trouble finding one . . .

any ideas?
"Kmatera4" <> wrote in message
after reading a number of horror stories regarding the degration of
picture quality when using a hdtv widescreen tv to watch cable tv . .

i have decided to purchase the old 4:3 format projection tv . .
but am having trouble finding one . . .

any ideas?
How about buying a used one from someone who's upgraded to widescreen?
They're quite inexpensive now.
Attaining a 4X3 may be a good decesion at this time. When everything does
finally go HD there will be convertor boxes to down convert the HD to the
4X3 compatible signal. However, until you actually do go HD you will not be
able to attain the excellent picture quality available with true HD .
Generaly if you have a limited budget and actually don't want to go HD at
this time this is a viable choice.
"Kmatera4" <> wrote in message
after reading a number of horror stories regarding the degration of
picture quality when using a hdtv widescreen tv to watch cable tv . .

i have decided to purchase the old 4:3 format projection tv . .
but am having trouble finding one . . .

any ideas?

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