Are noise cancelling headphones worth the price?


David Segall

The subject line was intentionally vague. While continuously adjusting
the volume control on a recent flight I came across the Bose
advertisement for noise canceling headphones
I would have bought them instantly until I saw the $A600.00 price tag.
An Internet search revealed "noise canceling headphones" priced from
$30.00 up. Several brands I had heard of were from $90.00 to $150.00.

Do any of them live up to their advertisements? Can I expect the
headphones on an airplane to reduce the noise to tolerable, not
intrusive or imperceptible? How does price affect the performance?
Does anyone have a recommendation or a URL to some objective reviews?

Any comments on the subject would be appreciated.
A pilot friend of mine said they were very effective in a small aeroplane.

-Andrew M

"David Segall" <> wrote in message
The subject line was intentionally vague. While continuously adjusting
the volume control on a recent flight I came across the Bose
advertisement for noise canceling headphones
I would have bought them instantly until I saw the $A600.00 price tag.
An Internet search revealed "noise canceling headphones" priced from
$30.00 up. Several brands I had heard of were from $90.00 to $150.00.

Do any of them live up to their advertisements? Can I expect the
headphones on an airplane to reduce the noise to tolerable, not
intrusive or imperceptible? How does price affect the performance?
Does anyone have a recommendation or a URL to some objective reviews?

Any comments on the subject would be appreciated.
I bought a set of Sony Ear Bud ones for around $300 mark. I chose this
because they were small, and because they were "closed" type. The fact that
they were close fitting eliminates a great deal of nosie as it were.
Turning on the noise cancelling circuit, it introduces a hiss which can be
annoying in the beginning, but starts to be transparent after a while.

On the 20 odd flights I've had them, I wouldn't fly without them. In short,
they do reduce the aircraft drone to an acceptable level such that after a 6
hour flight, you don't feel that tired. But, they are not for HiFi quality
music. The real beauty is that you can listen to the aircraft music at low
levels and still "hear" the music. And when the air stewardess says
something, you still can hear them.

If you don't mind the bulk, I heard that the Bose ones were great. I would
stay away from the cheapies (under $200).
"David Segall" <> wrote in message
The subject line was intentionally vague. While continuously adjusting
the volume control on a recent flight I came across the Bose
advertisement for noise canceling headphones
I would have bought them instantly until I saw the $A600.00 price tag.
An Internet search revealed "noise canceling headphones" priced from
$30.00 up. Several brands I had heard of were from $90.00 to $150.00.

Do any of them live up to their advertisements? Can I expect the
headphones on an airplane to reduce the noise to tolerable, not
intrusive or imperceptible? How does price affect the performance?
Does anyone have a recommendation or a URL to some objective reviews?

Any comments on the subject would be appreciated.
David Segall wrote:
Do any of them live up to their advertisements?
A colleague here has a pair of Bose's. He sits under a couple of
noisy A/C vents, and the effect is simply amazing! Absolute and
utter quiet, instantly. I can just hear people talking beside me,
but the A/C noise just vanishes.

Can I expect the headphones on an airplane to reduce the noise
Without having tried it, I'd expect a similar result on an airplane.

Clifford Heath.
I have had Sony NC5 and currently the Targus noise cancelling headphones.
I use them while flying and would be without them.

Its a bit subjective, but I find I am less tyred when I arrive at my
destination. They only remove lower frequencies. Check the specs before you


"Clifford Heath" <> wrote in message
David Segall wrote:
Do any of them live up to their advertisements?

A colleague here has a pair of Bose's. He sits under a couple of
noisy A/C vents, and the effect is simply amazing! Absolute and
utter quiet, instantly. I can just hear people talking beside me,
but the A/C noise just vanishes.

Can I expect the headphones on an airplane to reduce the noise

Without having tried it, I'd expect a similar result on an airplane.

Clifford Heath.
"David Segall" <> wrote in message
The subject line was intentionally vague. While continuously adjusting
the volume control on a recent flight I came across the Bose
advertisement for noise canceling headphones
I would have bought them instantly until I saw the $A600.00 price tag.
An Internet search revealed "noise canceling headphones" priced from
$30.00 up. Several brands I had heard of were from $90.00 to $150.00.

Do any of them live up to their advertisements? Can I expect the
headphones on an airplane to reduce the noise to tolerable, not
intrusive or imperceptible? How does price affect the performance?
Does anyone have a recommendation or a URL to some objective reviews?

Any comments on the subject would be appreciated.
I fly a lot.
I have been using the Sennheiser PXC250 noise cancelling headphones for
about two years now, and would not fly without them. They were about $190,
and the sound is excellent.
This is the new model link

"Rod" <rodlg000ATyahooDOTcom> wrote in message
"David Segall" <> wrote in message
The subject line was intentionally vague. While continuously adjusting
the volume control on a recent flight I came across the Bose
advertisement for noise canceling headphones
I would have bought them instantly until I saw the $A600.00 price tag.
An Internet search revealed "noise canceling headphones" priced from
$30.00 up. Several brands I had heard of were from $90.00 to $150.00.

Do any of them live up to their advertisements? Can I expect the
headphones on an airplane to reduce the noise to tolerable, not
intrusive or imperceptible? How does price affect the performance?
Does anyone have a recommendation or a URL to some objective reviews?

Any comments on the subject would be appreciated.

I fly a lot.
I have been using the Sennheiser PXC250 noise cancelling headphones for
about two years now, and would not fly without them. They were about
and the sound is excellent.
This is the new model link


I have a set made by Philips and like Rod, would never fly without them!

"Jackie" <> wrote:

"Rod" <rodlg000ATyahooDOTcom> wrote in message

"David Segall" <> wrote in message
The subject line was intentionally vague. While continuously adjusting
the volume control on a recent flight I came across the Bose
advertisement for noise canceling headphones
I would have bought them instantly until I saw the $A600.00 price tag.
An Internet search revealed "noise canceling headphones" priced from
$30.00 up. Several brands I had heard of were from $90.00 to $150.00.

Do any of them live up to their advertisements? Can I expect the
headphones on an airplane to reduce the noise to tolerable, not
intrusive or imperceptible? How does price affect the performance?
Does anyone have a recommendation or a URL to some objective reviews?

Any comments on the subject would be appreciated.

I fly a lot.
I have been using the Sennheiser PXC250 noise cancelling headphones for
about two years now, and would not fly without them. They were about
and the sound is excellent.
This is the new model link


I have a set made by Philips and like Rod, would never fly without them!

Which model? I liked the price of these
but the reviews were not encouraging.

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