Are CRT monitor registers standardized?

Hi all, I used WinDAS to adjust G2 on an overbright Sony F500R monitor, and want to learn about a few of the other registers,
especially 22-38 and the relationships between them (full dump copied below). Google was useless.

In general are these registers standard across monitor manufacturers? From the names I'm thinking a few of mine may be way off, e.g.
the "MAX"'s in some cases are lower than the "CENT"'s.

Also if anyone has data sets for this monitor, especially unmodified factory sets, or has WinDAS & a service cable and can get me
one, please respond. Thanks.


1 ** G2 ** 115 Factory setting (139) caused overbrightness
2 ** DRV_ZERO_LEVEL ** 0
3 ** DRIVE_MIN ** 0
4 ** DRIVE_MAX ** 250
5 ** dummy4 ** SKIP
6 ** dummy5 ** SKIP
7 ** SRGB_CONT ** 225
8 ** SRGB_BRT ** 75
9 ** dummy8 ** SKIP
10 ** dummy9 ** SKIP
11 ** dummy10 ** SKIP
12 ** dummy11 ** SKIP
13 ** dummy12 ** SKIP
14 ** REG13 ** 2
15 ** REG14 ** 2
16 ** REG15 ** 0
17 ** OSD_ENLARGE_LIN ** 102
18 ** REG17 ** 35
19 ** REG18 ** 177
20 ** REG19 ** 37
21 ** REG20 ** 80
22 ** R_DRV_CONT_MIN ** 200
23 ** R_DRV_CONT_MAX ** 200
24 ** G_DRV_CONT_MIN ** 150
25 ** G_DRV_CONT_MAX ** 150
26 ** B_DRV_CONT_MIN ** 150
27 ** B_DRV_CONT_MAX ** 150
28 ** R_BKG_BRT_CENT ** 100
29 ** R_BKG_BRT_MAX ** 86
30 ** G_BKG_BRT_CENT ** 140
31 ** G_BKG_BRT_MAX ** 125
32 ** B_BKG_BRT_CENT ** 125
33 ** B_BKG_BRT_MAX ** 105
34 ** CONT_MIN ** 30
35 ** CON_MAX_BR_CENT ** 150
36 ** CON_MAX_BRT_MAX ** 115
37 ** BRIGHTNESS_CENT ** 125
38 ** BRIGHTNESS_MAX ** 170
39 ** R_USER_DRIVE ** 151
40 ** G_USER_DRIVE ** 139
41 ** B_USER_DRIVE ** 142
42 ** R_USER_BKG ** 128
43 ** G_USER_BKG ** 128
44 ** B_USER_BKG ** 128
45 ** REG44 ** 60
46 ** USER_COLOR_FLAG ** 2
47 ** H_FREQ ** 1078
48 ** COLOR_MODE ** 1
49 ** REG48 ** 128
50 ** REG49 ** 128
51 ** dummy50 ** SKIP
52 ** dummy51 ** SKIP
53 ** LCC_NS ** 128
54 ** REG53 ** 10
55 ** REG54 ** 115
56 ** REG55 ** 77
57 ** REG56 ** 10
58 ** REG57 ** 80
59 ** dummy58 ** SKIP
60 ** dummy59 ** SKIP
61 ** dummy60 ** SKIP
62 ** REG61 ** 140
63 ** REG62 ** 120
64 ** REG63 ** 149
65 ** dummy64 ** SKIP
66 ** REG65 ** 42
67 ** REG66 ** 58
68 ** REG67 ** 38
69 ** REG68 ** 58
70 ** REG69 ** 2
71 ** REG70 ** 186
72 ** REG71 ** 18
73 ** REG72 ** 30
74 ** REG73 ** 155
75 ** REG74 ** 120
76 ** REG75 ** 110
77 ** REG76 ** 90
78 ** dummy77 ** SKIP
79 ** REG78 ** 75
80 ** REG79 ** 60
81 ** REG80 ** 92
82 ** REG81 ** 75
83 ** REG82 ** 53
84 ** REG83 ** 75
85 ** REG84 ** 4
86 ** REG85 ** 128
87 ** REG86 ** 30
88 ** REG87 ** 0
89 ** REG88 ** 150
90 ** REG89 ** 180
91 ** REG90 ** 255
92 ** dummy91 ** SKIP
93 ** TDT_S_CAP ** 7
94 ** REG93 ** 210
95 ** REG94 ** 140
96 ** dummy95 ** SKIP
97 ** dummy96 ** SKIP
98 ** REG97 ** 2
99 ** REG98 ** 10
100 ** SIGNAL_INDEX ** 17
101 ** V_BLK_WIDTH_MIN ** 115
102 ** V_BLK_WIDTH_MAX ** 115
103 ** REG102 ** 115
104 ** H_PHASE ** 149
105 ** H_SIZE ** 114
106 ** V_CENTER ** 148
107 ** V_SIZE ** 132
108 ** PIN ** 136
109 ** PIN_BAL ** 128
110 ** KEY ** 128
111 ** KEY_BAL ** 128
112 ** MOIRE_CANCEL_SW ** 0
113 ** MOIRE_LEVEL ** 0
114 ** H_CENT_LO_FH ** 128
115 ** H_CENT_MD_FH ** 128
116 ** H_LIN_MD_FH ** 200
117 ** H_CENT_HI_FH ** 128
118 ** REG117 ** 0
119 ** H_LIN_LO_FH ** 22
120 ** H_LIN_HI_FH ** 140
121 ** H_PHASE_SHIFT ** 350
122 ** H_SIZE_ORIGIN ** 174
123 ** H_SIZE_MAX ** 200
124 ** VDC_MODE ** 0
125 ** VDC_INIT_1 ** 1000
126 ** VDC_INIT_2 ** 1400
127 ** V_SHAPE_LVL_1 ** 900
128 ** V_SHAPE_LVL_2 ** 1600
129 ** REG128 ** 1444
130 ** REG129 ** 3590
131 ** REG130 ** 3422
132 ** REG131 ** 4253
133 ** REG132 ** 5671
134 ** V_LIN ** 128
135 ** VLIN_BAL ** 128
136 ** REG135 ** 6
137 ** PIN_FOR_HSIZE ** 8
138 ** REG137 ** 128
139 ** PIN_BAL_LO_FH ** 128
140 ** PIN_BAL_MD_FH ** 128
141 ** dummy140 ** SKIP
142 ** PIN_BAL_HI_FH ** 128
143 ** S_PIN ** 130
144 ** S_PIN_BAL ** 128
145 ** C_BOW ** 177
146 ** C_BOW_BAL ** 130
147 ** SC_BOW_TOP ** 128
148 ** SC_BOW_BTM ** 128
149 ** H_FP ** 406
150 ** H_SBP ** 2438
151 ** V_TTL_LINE ** 1072
152 ** V_FP ** 1
153 ** V_SBP ** 47
154 ** ASC_TARGET_H_SI ** 64
155 ** ASC_TARGET_V_SI ** 191
156 ** ASC_HFP_OFFSET ** 208
157 ** ASC_MEAS_TOL ** 1
158 ** ASC_HSBP_OFFSET ** 48
159 ** REG158 ** 200
160 ** REG159 ** 200
161 ** dummy160 ** SKIP
162 ** REG161 ** 200
163 ** ASC_ADJ_H_SIZ_1 ** 64
164 ** ASC_ADJ_H_SIZ_2 ** 88
165 ** ASC_H_SIZE_1 ** 85
166 ** ASC_H_SIZE_2 ** 128
167 ** HPHS_OFFSET_LO ** 256
168 ** HPHS_OFFSET_MD ** 256
169 ** dummy168 ** SKIP
170 ** HPHS_OFFSET_HI ** 256
171 ** ASC_HSIZE_43 ** 88
172 ** ASC_HSIZE_54 ** 64
173 ** ASC_HPHS_DEF ** 128
174 ** ASC_HPHS_PLUS ** 254
175 ** ASC_DISABLE_ACT ** 65
176 ** ADJ_V_SIZE ** 191
177 ** ZM_ADJ_V_SIZE_1 ** 160
178 ** ZM_ADJ_V_SIZE_2 ** 14
179 ** ZM_V_SIZE_1 ** 160
180 ** ZM_V_SIZE_2 ** 191
181 ** ZM_V_ACT_RATIO ** 230
182 ** REG181 ** 240
183 ** BCF_R_CRCT ** 128
184 ** BCF_G_CRCT ** 128
185 ** BCF_B_CRCT ** 128
186 ** CONTRAST ** 192
187 ** BRIGHTNESS ** 188
188 ** COLOR_INDEX ** 2
189 ** H_CONV ** 140
190 ** V_CONV ** 112
191 ** V_CONV_TOP ** 119
192 ** V_CONV_BTM ** 146
193 ** TILT ** 128
194 ** REG193 ** 0
195 ** dummy194 ** SKIP
196 ** LCC_LT ** 128
197 ** LCC_RT ** 128
198 ** LCC_LB ** 128
199 ** LCC_RB ** 128
200 ** REG199 ** 0
201 ** REG200 ** 255
202 ** LANGUAGE ** 1
203 ** KEY_LOCK ** 0
204 ** REG203 ** 29
205 ** REG204 ** 122
206 ** REG205 ** 47
207 ** REG206 ** 161
208 ** REG207 ** 31
209 ** dummy208 ** SKIP
210 ** dummy209 ** SKIP
211 ** REG210 ** 106
212 ** dummy211 ** SKIP
213 ** REG212 ** 50
214 ** REG213 ** 55
215 ** REG214 ** 100
216 ** REG215 ** 10
217 ** REG216 ** 100
218 ** REG217 ** 70
219 ** REG218 ** 80
220 ** ABL_SHUTDW_LMT ** 101
221 ** ABL_CONT_LIMIT ** 76
222 ** REG221 ** 10
223 ** REG222 ** 5
224 ** REG223 ** 88
225 ** REG224 ** 64
226 ** REG225 ** 43
227 ** REG226 ** 5
228 ** REG227 ** 10
229 ** REG228 ** 63
230 ** REG229 ** 154
231 ** REG230 ** 30
232 ** REG231 ** 0
233 ** REG232 ** 0
234 ** REG233 ** 0
235 ** REG234 ** 0
236 ** REG235 ** 95
237 ** REG236 ** 1270
238 ** REG237 ** 10
239 ** REG238 ** 10
240 ** REG239 ** 210
241 ** REG240 ** 160
242 ** SHUTDOWN_LOG_0 ** 0
243 ** SHUTDOWN_LOG_1 ** 0
244 ** N_FACT_PRESET ** 4
245 ** NEXT_USER_MODE ** 4
246 ** FUNCTION_SW ** 7
247 ** CHARACTER_SW ** 1
248 ** TABLE_SW ** 15
249 ** LCC_SW ** 15
250 ** OPERATION_TYPE ** 0
251 ** OSD_TYPE ** 0
252 ** KEY_PAD_TYPE ** 8
253 ** INPUT_SEL ** 0
254 ** LAST_POWER ** 0
On 1/20/2011 6:44 AM nospam@nospam.invalid spake thus:

Hi all, I used WinDAS to adjust G2 on an overbright Sony F500R
monitor, and want to learn about a few of the other registers,
especially 22-38 and the relationships between them (full dump copied
below). Google was useless.

In general are these registers standard across monitor


104 ** H_PHASE ** 149
105 ** H_SIZE ** 114
106 ** V_CENTER ** 148
107 ** V_SIZE ** 132
108 ** PIN ** 136
109 ** PIN_BAL ** 128
110 ** KEY ** 128
111 ** KEY_BAL ** 128
112 ** MOIRE_CANCEL_SW ** 0
113 ** MOIRE_LEVEL ** 0
Hmm; if I didn't know better, I'd say at least some of these look like
the OSD controls in registers. So while I can't help you, I'd say
chances are good that there might be a standard.

(Or if there isn't one, there *should* be ...)

Comment on quaint Usenet customs, from Usenet:

To me, the *plonk...* reminds me of the old man at the public hearing
who stands to make his point, then removes his hearing aid as a sign
that he is not going to hear any rebuttals.
"David Nebenzahl" <> wrote in message news:4d388db2$0$24073$
On 1/20/2011 6:44 AM nospam@nospam.invalid spake thus:

Hi all, I used WinDAS to adjust G2 on an overbright Sony F500R monitor, and want to learn about a few of the other registers,
especially 22-38 and the relationships between them (full dump copied
below). Google was useless.

In general are these registers standard across monitor




104 ** H_PHASE ** 149
105 ** H_SIZE ** 114
106 ** V_CENTER ** 148
107 ** V_SIZE ** 132
108 ** PIN ** 136
109 ** PIN_BAL ** 128
110 ** KEY ** 128
111 ** KEY_BAL ** 128
112 ** MOIRE_CANCEL_SW ** 0
113 ** MOIRE_LEVEL ** 0

Hmm; if I didn't know better, I'd say at least some of these look like the OSD controls in registers. So while I can't help you,
I'd say chances are good that there might be a standard.

(Or if there isn't one, there *should* be ...)
Yes, what I posted is a partial dump of the F500R's registers. There
are 6 or 7 pages of them, but the rest look like frequencies, resolutions
etc and other numeric values. The final page is called "Fact Free" and
I'm still clueless about what that is.

I started to read the Service Manual (btw Sony has them on their site
now at and it's almost complete
Greek to me. Without a couple thousand dollars (at least) in equipment
I can't hope to follow it.
On Jan 20, 6:44 am, <nos...@nospam.invalid> wrote:
Hi all, I used WinDAS to adjust G2 on an overbright Sony F500R monitor, and want to learn about a few of the other registers,
especially 22-38 and the relationships between them (full dump copied below). Google was useless.

In general are these registers standard across monitor manufacturers?
Some names are familiar.
Your "G2" means the second grid of the CRT, and determines
the overall brightness (and needs correction often as the tube ages).
A 'readjustment' of a color monitor is potentially complex, it seems
like most things we used to do with screwdrivers are now 0-255 range
binary numbers, probably for one or several 8-bit DACs.

(about registers 28-33)
Red, green, blue blanking levels (the cutoff 'black' setting) might
have a 'center' value so one can start the adjustment procedure
at a neutral value (we used to center the ranges first, set G2 or
"screen" and go from there). The "max" might mean maximum
value of the voltage, not necessarily maximum integer in the
DAC register...

then when the 'zero' brightness values are set you adjust gains
of the video amplifiers, i.e. 'drive'
(registers 22...27)

Sizing and centering the screen with (104...107)

Pincushion and pincushion balance adjustments(108...109) are
for barrel distortion (or inverse barrel == pincushion)

Keystone (get this wrong and the rectangles come out as rhombuses)

1 ** G2 ** 115 Factory setting (139) caused overbrightness
2 ** DRV_ZERO_LEVEL ** 0
3 ** DRIVE_MIN ** 0
4 ** DRIVE_MAX ** 250
5 ** dummy4 ** SKIP
6 ** dummy5 ** SKIP
7 ** SRGB_CONT ** 225
8 ** SRGB_BRT ** 75
9 ** dummy8 ** SKIP
10 ** dummy9 ** SKIP
11 ** dummy10 ** SKIP
12 ** dummy11 ** SKIP
13 ** dummy12 ** SKIP
14 ** REG13 ** 2
15 ** REG14 ** 2
16 ** REG15 ** 0
17 ** OSD_ENLARGE_LIN ** 102
18 ** REG17 ** 35
19 ** REG18 ** 177
20 ** REG19 ** 37
21 ** REG20 ** 80
22 ** R_DRV_CONT_MIN ** 200
23 ** R_DRV_CONT_MAX ** 200
24 ** G_DRV_CONT_MIN ** 150
25 ** G_DRV_CONT_MAX ** 150
26 ** B_DRV_CONT_MIN ** 150
27 ** B_DRV_CONT_MAX ** 150
28 ** R_BKG_BRT_CENT ** 100
29 ** R_BKG_BRT_MAX ** 86
30 ** G_BKG_BRT_CENT ** 140
31 ** G_BKG_BRT_MAX ** 125
32 ** B_BKG_BRT_CENT ** 125
33 ** B_BKG_BRT_MAX ** 105
34 ** CONT_MIN ** 30
35 ** CON_MAX_BR_CENT ** 150
36 ** CON_MAX_BRT_MAX ** 115
37 ** BRIGHTNESS_CENT ** 125
38 ** BRIGHTNESS_MAX ** 170
39 ** R_USER_DRIVE ** 151
40 ** G_USER_DRIVE ** 139
41 ** B_USER_DRIVE ** 142
42 ** R_USER_BKG ** 128
43 ** G_USER_BKG ** 128
44 ** B_USER_BKG ** 128
45 ** REG44 ** 60
46 ** USER_COLOR_FLAG ** 2
47 ** H_FREQ ** 1078
48 ** COLOR_MODE ** 1
100 ** SIGNAL_INDEX ** 17
101 ** V_BLK_WIDTH_MIN ** 115
102 ** V_BLK_WIDTH_MAX ** 115
103 ** REG102 ** 115
104 ** H_PHASE ** 149
105 ** H_SIZE ** 114
106 ** V_CENTER ** 148
107 ** V_SIZE ** 132
108 ** PIN ** 136
109 ** PIN_BAL ** 128
110 ** KEY ** 128
111 ** KEY_BAL ** 128
112 ** MOIRE_CANCEL_SW ** 0
113 ** MOIRE_LEVEL ** 0
.... and lots more...
whit3rd, thanks. Very useful info.

Apologies for the top post.


"whit3rd" <> wrote in message
On Jan 20, 6:44 am, <nos...@nospam.invalid> wrote:
Hi all, I used WinDAS to adjust G2 on an overbright Sony F500R monitor, and want to learn about a few of the other registers,
especially 22-38 and the relationships between them (full dump copied below). Google was useless.

In general are these registers standard across monitor manufacturers?
Some names are familiar.
Your "G2" means the second grid of the CRT, and determines
the overall brightness (and needs correction often as the tube ages).
A 'readjustment' of a color monitor is potentially complex, it seems
like most things we used to do with screwdrivers are now 0-255 range
binary numbers, probably for one or several 8-bit DACs.

(about registers 28-33)
Red, green, blue blanking levels (the cutoff 'black' setting) might
have a 'center' value so one can start the adjustment procedure
at a neutral value (we used to center the ranges first, set G2 or
"screen" and go from there). The "max" might mean maximum
value of the voltage, not necessarily maximum integer in the
DAC register...

then when the 'zero' brightness values are set you adjust gains
of the video amplifiers, i.e. 'drive'
(registers 22...27)

Sizing and centering the screen with (104...107)

Pincushion and pincushion balance adjustments(108...109) are
for barrel distortion (or inverse barrel == pincushion)

Keystone (get this wrong and the rectangles come out as rhombuses)

1 ** G2 ** 115 Factory setting (139) caused overbrightness
2 ** DRV_ZERO_LEVEL ** 0
3 ** DRIVE_MIN ** 0
4 ** DRIVE_MAX ** 250
5 ** dummy4 ** SKIP
6 ** dummy5 ** SKIP
7 ** SRGB_CONT ** 225
8 ** SRGB_BRT ** 75
9 ** dummy8 ** SKIP
10 ** dummy9 ** SKIP
11 ** dummy10 ** SKIP
12 ** dummy11 ** SKIP
13 ** dummy12 ** SKIP
14 ** REG13 ** 2
15 ** REG14 ** 2
16 ** REG15 ** 0
17 ** OSD_ENLARGE_LIN ** 102
18 ** REG17 ** 35
19 ** REG18 ** 177
20 ** REG19 ** 37
21 ** REG20 ** 80
22 ** R_DRV_CONT_MIN ** 200
23 ** R_DRV_CONT_MAX ** 200
24 ** G_DRV_CONT_MIN ** 150
25 ** G_DRV_CONT_MAX ** 150
26 ** B_DRV_CONT_MIN ** 150
27 ** B_DRV_CONT_MAX ** 150
28 ** R_BKG_BRT_CENT ** 100
29 ** R_BKG_BRT_MAX ** 86
30 ** G_BKG_BRT_CENT ** 140
31 ** G_BKG_BRT_MAX ** 125
32 ** B_BKG_BRT_CENT ** 125
33 ** B_BKG_BRT_MAX ** 105
34 ** CONT_MIN ** 30
35 ** CON_MAX_BR_CENT ** 150
36 ** CON_MAX_BRT_MAX ** 115
37 ** BRIGHTNESS_CENT ** 125
38 ** BRIGHTNESS_MAX ** 170
39 ** R_USER_DRIVE ** 151
40 ** G_USER_DRIVE ** 139
41 ** B_USER_DRIVE ** 142
42 ** R_USER_BKG ** 128
43 ** G_USER_BKG ** 128
44 ** B_USER_BKG ** 128
45 ** REG44 ** 60
46 ** USER_COLOR_FLAG ** 2
47 ** H_FREQ ** 1078
48 ** COLOR_MODE ** 1
100 ** SIGNAL_INDEX ** 17
101 ** V_BLK_WIDTH_MIN ** 115
102 ** V_BLK_WIDTH_MAX ** 115
103 ** REG102 ** 115
104 ** H_PHASE ** 149
105 ** H_SIZE ** 114
106 ** V_CENTER ** 148
107 ** V_SIZE ** 132
108 ** PIN ** 136
109 ** PIN_BAL ** 128
110 ** KEY ** 128
111 ** KEY_BAL ** 128
112 ** MOIRE_CANCEL_SW ** 0
113 ** MOIRE_LEVEL ** 0
.... and lots more...

Welcome to

