Sylvia Else
I bought this Arduino Relay Board.
It\'s about 33mm by 20mm.
The mains contacts are on the left, the control contacts on the right.
What bothers me is the trace from one of the control contacts that runs
across the isolation barrier, near to the mains contacts. It runs to a
diode, from which another traces runs back to the right.
The packaging carries a CE label, but I find it difficult to believe
that this is actually safe.
It\'s about 33mm by 20mm.
The mains contacts are on the left, the control contacts on the right.
What bothers me is the trace from one of the control contacts that runs
across the isolation barrier, near to the mains contacts. It runs to a
diode, from which another traces runs back to the right.
The packaging carries a CE label, but I find it difficult to believe
that this is actually safe.