L1ange bleu

I have a SAMSUNG CDX-1932 combo which came in showing a heavy arcing that it
does not allow for the picture to to come on.
My question is: Can a picture tube with this signs be repairable? and if so,
how can this be done?.
If it's not, can someone please help me trying to locate a substitute for a
A48KRD82X picture tube?
Thanks for all your help.
?? Is the arc within the crt?? Is the arc at the LOPT or the connection to
the Uthor Button?? Please include more information so we may confidently
assist you.
"L1ange bleu" <> wrote in message
I have a SAMSUNG CDX-1932 combo which came in showing a heavy arcing that
does not allow for the picture to to come on.
My question is: Can a picture tube with this signs be repairable? and if
how can this be done?.
If it's not, can someone please help me trying to locate a substitute for
A48KRD82X picture tube?
Thanks for all your help.
Sorry I didn't specify the location of the arcing. It is at the neck of the
picture tube. For what I can see, it flashes right at the cap where the pcb
will connect. I can see the arcing thru the plastic pins protector.
Thanks again for any info on this.
Could physically be in the socket assembly, external to the crt. There are
spark gaps installed within the socket assembly. If the arcing is internal
to the crt, not external at the socket connection, then you absolutely have
a defective tube. Remove the socket from the crt to see if indeed the
arcing is within the crt or just in the socket assembly, my feelings is the
crt is bad.
"Angulos" <> wrote in message
Sorry I didn't specify the location of the arcing. It is at the neck of
picture tube. For what I can see, it flashes right at the cap where the
will connect. I can see the arcing thru the plastic pins protector.
Thanks again for any info on this.

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