ARARGGHHH premature NiCd failure



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Apparently one of the three cells died prematurely. I'd let it charge
overnight and battery gets pretty hot. I use the phone for about 30 min
and it suddenly loses power. When I pull the battery out, two cells
have 1.25V and the dead cell is dropped to 50mV. The whole phone with
battery pack was bought six months ago.

This is what happened to my other phone too. I've replaced the
batteries in other phone by soldering the connector onto regular AAA
NiMH batteries and it's still going strong.

Original battery pack is a 3.6V 3- 2/3AA cell 300mAh. 2,300 mAh AA's
will fit and cost about the same as 700mAh AAA's but I'm not sure if the
charger can handle such a large capacity cells, so I'm going to go with

Regular 700mAh AAA Energizer NiMH batteries cost 1/2 to 2/3 of buying a
new comparable phone and it requires soldering. Buying a prebuilt NiCd
pack cost as much as or more than buying a whole new phone.

Are battery packs supplied with ~$20 cordless telephone just not the
same quality as replacement battery packs or regular Eveready AAA NiMH
batteries? Do replacement batteries cost more than the whole phone just
because of higher profit margin or are they higher quality too?

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