Aquawell water cooler Peltier question.

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Greetings group.
I am working on a Aquawell Eden water cooler model AWB-MCR.

The peltier effect cooling device is faulty.

Can anyone please tell me how much current this Peltier should draw. I
think the voltage is close to 12v.

Oatley Electronics sell 4A, 6A and 8A types.

Russell Griffiths. wrote:

Greetings group.
I am working on a Aquawell Eden water cooler model AWB-MCR.

The peltier effect cooling device is faulty.

Can anyone please tell me how much current this Peltier should draw. I
think the voltage is close to 12v.

Oatley Electronics sell 4A, 6A and 8A types.
From the Aquawell web site
it's a 70W cooler, so I'd say you'll need the 6A or 8A peltier,
depending on how much space the existing unit occupies.

BTW, how did the peltier fail ?
Thanks for the reply MC.

The 70W value is printed on the back of the machine, but I was not sure
if this is the total power for the complete machine, or just for the

Usually the wattage value would be for the complete machine.

If this is true, after considering the power supply would not be more
than 90% efficient and the power the fan uses, the peltier would be
less than 70W.

I have now removed the peltier, printed on it is F-6A01, maybe this
means 6 Amps.

I just don't want to get a peltier that draws more current than the
power supply can handle.

The Peltier is drawing no current, your guess would be as good as mine
how that happened.


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