April-May2005 MIDI THEREMIN SiliconChip Article



Need April and May 2005 MIDI THEREMIN article issues from the Silicon Chip

I am seeking a reprint, PDF or copy of the 'two-part' MIDI THEREMIN
construction project that appeared in the April 2005 and May 2005 issues of
Silicon Chip ( www.siliconchip.com.au/ )

Prefer it scanned from printed version or a PDF created from the online
version. (Since Silicon Chip DOES NOT offer online 'single issue' PDF's, but
instead Silicon Chip makes you purchase a FULL YEAR of a web subscription
(that is NOT in PDF format) just to have access to two issues!!!!

In return, I can offer xchange any two or three articles from the online PDF
version of EPE magazine (Everyday Practical Electronics-British_
http://www.epemag.com/ _from July 2002 thru June 2005.

Please send eMail to me at: StevenThompson1960ATyahooDOTcom (and if U send
what I am looking for, let me know in what couple of articles you would like
from EPE.

JustCurEus wrote:
Need April and May 2005 MIDI THEREMIN article issues from the Silicon Chip

I am seeking a reprint, PDF or copy of the 'two-part' MIDI THEREMIN
construction project that appeared in the April 2005 and May 2005 issues of
Silicon Chip ( www.siliconchip.com.au/ )

Prefer it scanned from printed version or a PDF created from the online
version. (Since Silicon Chip DOES NOT offer online 'single issue' PDF's, but
instead Silicon Chip makes you purchase a FULL YEAR of a web subscription
(that is NOT in PDF format) just to have access to two issues!!!!
So what format is the SC Electronic Edition?

Dave :)
JustCurEus wrote:

Need April and May 2005 MIDI THEREMIN article issues from the Silicon Chip
Silicon Chip sell reprints, as well as whole magazines.

If, for some reason, you object to paying them for their "stock in
trade", then go to a public library - many (if not most) have Silicon
Chip magazines, and you may be able to photocopy the articles there - at
least that way, Silicon Chip may still get *some* money from you.

On Mon, 06 Jun 2005 08:46:52 +1000, Pete <pjetson@pobox.com> wrote:

JustCurEus wrote:

Need April and May 2005 MIDI THEREMIN article issues from the Silicon Chip

Silicon Chip sell reprints, as well as whole magazines.

If, for some reason, you object to paying them for their "stock in
trade", then go to a public library - many (if not most) have Silicon
Chip magazines, and you may be able to photocopy the articles there - at
least that way, Silicon Chip may still get *some* money from you.


The Possible problem here (since he mentioned a UK mag) is that he is
outside australia, and cant get the mag except by mail order, and
doesnt want to wait weeks for it to arrive.

Other than that - I agree he should just buy the mag.

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