Nate Smith
Junk searching yesterday netted a Smart-Ups 1400... 5 bucks... hard to
beat... got it home... figured on trying to charge it... see if the
batteries were any good... if they werent id go to golf cart
batteries... indefinate run time
Plugging it in, big fat nothing... no lights, no sound, nothing...
doesnt appear to be drawing power... checking for fuses..few onboard
resistor size green ones, 1 amp, and two 20 amp fuses on the low
voltage side... only thing that interupts the AC line is a
push-to-reset circuit breaker, which seems fine... I need to check
more of this stuff with a DMM, but seeing as I went and ran mine over
(long story) its out for tonight...
the batteries are in sore shape. They have been seriosly overheated...
overcharging is my guess... there is a bubble in the plastic case and
bothe have leaked... I have seen this before in UPS just from
overcharging caused by poor batteries and constant duty cycle...
My question, is does anybody have any experiece with these? Is there a
website with any troubleshooting tips... I have a scope, and in a day
ill have a DMM, but other than the obviosstuff in the line, i have no
idea what to look for where... and another one... is the startup
circuit depndant on batterys being installed/functioning?
Thanks guys
beat... got it home... figured on trying to charge it... see if the
batteries were any good... if they werent id go to golf cart
batteries... indefinate run time
Plugging it in, big fat nothing... no lights, no sound, nothing...
doesnt appear to be drawing power... checking for fuses..few onboard
resistor size green ones, 1 amp, and two 20 amp fuses on the low
voltage side... only thing that interupts the AC line is a
push-to-reset circuit breaker, which seems fine... I need to check
more of this stuff with a DMM, but seeing as I went and ran mine over
(long story) its out for tonight...
the batteries are in sore shape. They have been seriosly overheated...
overcharging is my guess... there is a bubble in the plastic case and
bothe have leaked... I have seen this before in UPS just from
overcharging caused by poor batteries and constant duty cycle...
My question, is does anybody have any experiece with these? Is there a
website with any troubleshooting tips... I have a scope, and in a day
ill have a DMM, but other than the obviosstuff in the line, i have no
idea what to look for where... and another one... is the startup
circuit depndant on batterys being installed/functioning?
Thanks guys