Have quite a few landline Panasonic Easa-Phones, Model KX-T2315
REALLY like these units and want to keep. The pushbotton switches have
become unreliable, often yielding two numbers and sometimes not even
registering! The worst offenders are the telephones that haven't been used
for a while.
Any way to fix? I've tried contact cleaner injected in but that hasn't
Could be the type of cleaner, or the method of doing, or there simply is
no more 'contact' left in the switches. But since using over and over
seems to almost repair, suspect should be able to do something.
REALLY like these units and want to keep. The pushbotton switches have
become unreliable, often yielding two numbers and sometimes not even
registering! The worst offenders are the telephones that haven't been used
for a while.
Any way to fix? I've tried contact cleaner injected in but that hasn't
Could be the type of cleaner, or the method of doing, or there simply is
no more 'contact' left in the switches. But since using over and over
seems to almost repair, suspect should be able to do something.