Anyone using IBM8RF library with HSPICE Models?


Kumar Yelamarthi

Hi All,
I am trying to use IBM8RF deisgn library for my design.
I am able to complete the design using the above library and simulate
the same in Spectre without any probelms at all.
But, once I export the hspice netlist of the design to simulate it
using some other Synopsys tools, the compiler showed me some syntax
errors in the hspice model libraries.

One thing which I don't understand here is, while the HSPICE simulator
in Cadence simulated the design without showing any errors in the
technology files why did the Synopsys tools give me some syntax

I am wondering if anyone else using this model library came across a
similar problem. I am not able to post the model library here as I had
signed a Non Disclosure Agreement with MOSIS about the tech files.

If anyone had came across a similar problem, can you suggest me a
quick fix for the same?

Thanks in Advance.
Kumar Yelamarthi wrote:
Hi All,
I am trying to use IBM8RF deisgn library for my design.
I am able to complete the design using the above library and simulate
the same in Spectre without any probelms at all.
But, once I export the hspice netlist of the design to simulate it
using some other Synopsys tools, the compiler showed me some syntax
errors in the hspice model libraries.

One thing which I don't understand here is, while the HSPICE simulator
in Cadence simulated the design without showing any errors in the
technology files why did the Synopsys tools give me some syntax

I am wondering if anyone else using this model library came across a
similar problem. I am not able to post the model library here as I had
signed a Non Disclosure Agreement with MOSIS about the tech files.

If anyone had came across a similar problem, can you suggest me a
quick fix for the same?

Thanks in Advance.
I just started yesterday trying a simple test. I did not go
beyond the syntactic phase. IBM supplies models for HSPICE and
spectre only. I am using eldo. Though eldo has an option to
read hspice, it keep complaining about syntax errors in the models.
I will spend some time today to look if there is a simple workaround
A quick fix, however, is to use the file lib.models.8sfg if you
have access to it. But it seems that IBM is no longer suppling this
If you have acess to a HSPICE would like to try this test for me.
Create a netlist containing an inverter and simulate it in a stand
alone mode. You have to do this using a text editor and a keyboard
only. Run hspice from the command line (and not thru Cadence env).

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