Anyone used ExpressPCB?


Thomas A. Horsley

I read a lot in this group about making your own PC boards, but as near as I
can tell by the time I buy blanks, echant, special printer paper or UV
lights, etc, etc, I've spent almost as much as just ordering the board made
for me (and I get two-sided boards with plated through holes I don't have to
drill myself :).

I just sent off my board design for my silly cellphone ring notifier to the folks, so I'll see what they look like on Thursday (that's
when the mail says they should arrive). I was just wondering if anyone else
has used them (or one of the many other prototype board making services that
you can find in a web search) and what kind of experience they had with
limited run board services like ExpressPCB?
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"Thomas A. Horsley" <> wrote in message
I read a lot in this group about making your own PC boards, but as near as
can tell by the time I buy blanks, echant, special printer paper or UV
lights, etc, etc, I've spent almost as much as just ordering the board
for me (and I get two-sided boards with plated through holes I don't have
drill myself :).

I just sent off my board design for my silly cellphone ring notifier to
the folks, so I'll see what they look like on Thursday (that's
when the mail says they should arrive). I was just wondering if anyone
has used them (or one of the many other prototype board making services
you can find in a web search) and what kind of experience they had with
limited run board services like ExpressPCB?
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they look very expensive to me
i personally used
got professional grade boards (4 layers, both sides soldermask and
silkscreen, routing downto .05" width/spacing, plated through, pads tin
plated, viasize .16") for less than 1/3 of their prices...
just an idea
I thought it was too much $$$.

"Thomas A. Horsley" <> wrote in message
I read a lot in this group about making your own PC boards, but as near as
can tell by the time I buy blanks, echant, special printer paper or UV
lights, etc, etc, I've spent almost as much as just ordering the board
for me (and I get two-sided boards with plated through holes I don't have
drill myself :).

I just sent off my board design for my silly cellphone ring notifier to
the folks, so I'll see what they look like on Thursday (that's
when the mail says they should arrive). I was just wondering if anyone
has used them (or one of the many other prototype board making services
you can find in a web search) and what kind of experience they had with
limited run board services like ExpressPCB?
==>> The *Best* political site <URL:> >>==+
email: icbm: Delray Beach, FL |
URL:> Free Software and Politics <<==+
"Howard Long" <> wrote in message
"Thomas A. Horsley" wrote in message

what kind of experience they had with
limited run board services like ExpressPCB?

I have used them a number of times here in the UK. Their turnaround times
are about the same as for European manufacturers. The quality of the
is excellent, especially the production service.

The only problems are (a) it's not cheap and (b) as far as I know you're
limited to using ExpressPCB for your designs - there is no way to export
say, Gerber files, or generate your own transparencies. This second part
quite a smart business model - few will want to redesign their entire PCB
all over again in a new package.

Regards, Howard
Hi Howard,

I have been successful at generating printouts of the art work using
pcbexpress (single sided boards only) and transferring it to a pcboard using
a laser printer (or copier) and a hot iron. Then I can drill, etch and
stuff my own boards.


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