Anyone use electronic hourmeters as mercury type replacement


Geoff C

With mercury type hourmeters now banned in EU, ineed to quickly
find an alternative. I have seen brands such as curtis and ENM
but neither have exaclty what I am after. Prefer not to go
custom made or modified. The most likely is LCD type.

Specs are

requirement: 7000 units over 2 years
at least 2000 hours up to about 10000 hours.
No better than 1/10 hour resolution required. 1 hour resolution
OK for digital type.
Bargraph type can be considered
Battery powered and time stored by eeprom or similar
User intervention to show time acceptable, unit usually not
visible to user
Trigger voltage lower than 2 volts if possible.
External triggering to be achieved by timer being in a current
source circuit with 300mA, so high triggering voltage (>2volts)
means high current dissipation. (ie burden voltage)
can possibly tolerate high burden voltage of 4.5 volts if all
other parameters met.
size- not bulky 60mm*12mm*12mm is ideal.
cost $5 to $10

Can anyone point me to an alternative?

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