Geoff C
Interested to know about experiences with hand soldering from people who
have done more than just a few joints. Some say the weller WTCP type irons
are no good because of temp cycles. What irons are acceptable in your
experience? Is SAC solder the way to go? Any rework stories?
I am not worried about compliance yet since our industry is exempt, but
component issues will force our hand. I fear from some of the experts I
have come accross that they are not so knowledgeable.
have done more than just a few joints. Some say the weller WTCP type irons
are no good because of temp cycles. What irons are acceptable in your
experience? Is SAC solder the way to go? Any rework stories?
I am not worried about compliance yet since our industry is exempt, but
component issues will force our hand. I fear from some of the experts I
have come accross that they are not so knowledgeable.