I picked up an old tube type Eico 320 Signal Generator. I'm tracing it
and checking stuff. There was a disconnected paper (.5mf 450V)
capacitor. The tube filaments and pilot light work. There is B+
voltage, The voltage from the 6X5 tube at the filter cap, is around
140VDC. (That seems low). The AC volts on the transformer secondary is
about 450V (or 225V each side of the center tap). There is a 2watt 5000
ohm resistor which comes from the power supply, which feels warm, so
apparently there is a voltage draw.
Anyhow, I have found three schematics in PDF format, an one as a .GIF.
They are probably all from the same source, and are very hard to read.
The parts symbols are ok, but where it says the cap and resistor numbers
(such as is that C8, C6 or C3), I can not make out the numbers. They are
blurry. I've tried several pairs of reading glasses, enlarge and shrunk
the diagrams on my screen, and they are just plain poorly scanned.
Does anyone have a decent schematic? And one that shows the voltages at
the tube contacts would greatly help too.
I intend to recap this thing, but first I need a useable schematic.
and checking stuff. There was a disconnected paper (.5mf 450V)
capacitor. The tube filaments and pilot light work. There is B+
voltage, The voltage from the 6X5 tube at the filter cap, is around
140VDC. (That seems low). The AC volts on the transformer secondary is
about 450V (or 225V each side of the center tap). There is a 2watt 5000
ohm resistor which comes from the power supply, which feels warm, so
apparently there is a voltage draw.
Anyhow, I have found three schematics in PDF format, an one as a .GIF.
They are probably all from the same source, and are very hard to read.
The parts symbols are ok, but where it says the cap and resistor numbers
(such as is that C8, C6 or C3), I can not make out the numbers. They are
blurry. I've tried several pairs of reading glasses, enlarge and shrunk
the diagrams on my screen, and they are just plain poorly scanned.
Does anyone have a decent schematic? And one that shows the voltages at
the tube contacts would greatly help too.
I intend to recap this thing, but first I need a useable schematic.