anybody use PADS?


John Larkin

I'm trying to edit a schematic using PADS Logic. It won't let me edit
a net name. If a name is something like $$$1234, and I click it and
try to edit the net to anything else, the net name in the dialog box
is grey and can't be changed. I can add an offpage connector, then a
new name, but if I delete the offpage, the net reverts to a stupid
$$$nnnn type name.

Anybody know why?

And in the older versions, I could double-click along a connection and
pop up a new visible net name, and leave it there in plain sight. I
can't seem to do that now.

John Larkin wrote:
I'm trying to edit a schematic using PADS Logic. It won't let me edit
a net name. If a name is something like $$$1234, and I click it and
try to edit the net to anything else, the net name in the dialog box
is grey and can't be changed. I can add an offpage connector, then a
new name, but if I delete the offpage, the net reverts to a stupid
$$$nnnn type name.

Anybody know why?

And in the older versions, I could double-click along a connection and
pop up a new visible net name, and leave it there in plain sight. I
can't seem to do that now.

The behaviour is somewhat bizarre. If you select a net segment that joins
onto a component, PADS will let you assign a visible name to that net. If
you select any other segment on the same net, or use 'select net', it won't.
Logic it ain't.

John Larkin wrote:
I'm trying to edit a schematic using PADS Logic. It won't let me edit
a net name. If a name is something like $$$1234, and I click it and
try to edit the net to anything else, the net name in the dialog box
is grey and can't be changed. I can add an offpage connector, then a
new name, but if I delete the offpage, the net reverts to a stupid
$$$nnnn type name.

Anybody know why?

And in the older versions, I could double-click along a connection and
pop up a new visible net name, and leave it there in plain sight. I
can't seem to do that now.

I am using the PADS 2004. I couldn't edit the name of the net. It just
allows me edit the net of POWER and GND in the Logic.

Why you have to edit the name??? In the PADS PowerPCB , you could edit
the name of the net.
John Larkin wrote:
I'm trying to edit a schematic using PADS Logic. It won't let me edit
a net name. If a name is something like $$$1234, and I click it and
try to edit the net to anything else, the net name in the dialog box
is grey and can't be changed. I can add an offpage connector, then a
new name, but if I delete the offpage, the net reverts to a stupid
$$$nnnn type name.

Anybody know why?

And in the older versions, I could double-click along a connection and
pop up a new visible net name, and leave it there in plain sight. I
can't seem to do that now.


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