ANybody familiar with exercise equipment??/(Lifefitness bike



I got me a LifeCycle from Lifefitness exercise equipment, it needs the
power cord, Im not sure if it also comes with a power regulator of some
kind....I dont want to fabricate a power cord and blow something up......It
works with 120 VAC, but again not sure if it might be a another piece
missing......can anybody tell me what to do on this situation??//

Amolao wrote:
I got me a LifeCycle from Lifefitness exercise equipment, it needs the
power cord, Im not sure if it also comes with a power regulator of some
kind....I dont want to fabricate a power cord and blow something up......It
works with 120 VAC, but again not sure if it might be a another piece
missing......can anybody tell me what to do on this situation??//

The LifeCycle at the gym where I work out are all self-contained and
require no external power. There is a generator built in that supplies
power when the cycle is pedaled.

Hope this helps

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