Any users of SIMetrix here?


Chaos Master

Hello people

Just curious if some here uses Catena Software' SIMetrix and SIMPLIS?
SIMPLIS seems rather good as a tool for power electronics.

Chaos MasterŽ - Posting from Porto Alegre, Brazil
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"Chaos Master" <> wrote in message
Hello people

Just curious if some here uses Catena Software' SIMetrix and SIMPLIS?
SIMPLIS seems rather good as a tool for power electronics.
I use SIMetrix, supplied with the Pulsonix PCB package.

Leon Heller, G1HSM
Just curious if some here uses Catena Software' SIMetrix and SIMPLIS?
SIMPLIS seems rather good as a tool for power electronics.
Running SIMetrix AD Plus, but cannot speak for SIMPLIS.

Tim Stinchcombe

Cheltenham, Glos, UK
"Chaos Master" <> schreef in bericht
Hello people

Just curious if some here uses Catena Software' SIMetrix and SIMPLIS?
SIMPLIS seems rather good as a tool for power electronics.
I tried several simulator demos and finally purchased SIMetrix, including
I like the ease of use, the speed and the convergence.
SIMPLIS is very good for the simulation of switching power electronics over
a lot of cycles: loop gain and input and output behavior, not for the
details of one switching cycle. It helped me a lot in the design of a 12KW
active three phase power factor corrector.

I've readed Gerhard ( 's post and...

I tried several simulator demos and finally purchased SIMetrix, including
I like the ease of use, the speed and the convergence.
SIMPLIS is very good for the simulation of switching power electronics over
a lot of cycles: loop gain and input and output behavior, not for the
details of one switching cycle. It helped me a lot in the design of a 12KW
active three phase power factor corrector.
Good, it's because I am consider to buy SIMetrix instead of PSpice.

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