Any sources known for reliable Spice Models?



In using several spice models I could find on the net
I discovered that a lot are not that reliable and as a
cause give inaccurate simulation results.

Are there sources known which supply reliable Spice
Models or can someone recommand a book or
webiste to create reliable Spice models?

I'm using Micro-Cap version 7.17 for simulation.

Thanks in advance.


"Wim" <reply@newsgroup.plz> wrote in message
Are there sources known which supply reliable Spice
Models or can someone recommand a book or
webiste to create reliable Spice models?
What kind of components are you looking for models of?

For passives, Modelithics comes to mind as a provider of accurate models. For
transistors, usually the fab itself provides the models.
Op Wed, 5 Apr 2006 10:52:54 -0700 schreef Joel Kolstad:

"Wim" <reply@newsgroup.plz> wrote in message
Are there sources known which supply reliable Spice
Models or can someone recommand a book or
webiste to create reliable Spice models?

What kind of components are you looking for models of?

For passives, Modelithics comes to mind as a provider of accurate models. For
transistors, usually the fab itself provides the models.
Mainly transistors.
Wim wrote:

Op Wed, 5 Apr 2006 10:52:54 -0700 schreef Joel Kolstad:

"Wim" <reply@newsgroup.plz> wrote in message
Are there sources known which supply reliable Spice
Models or can someone recommand a book or
webiste to create reliable Spice models?

What kind of components are you looking for models of?

For passives, Modelithics comes to mind as a provider of accurate models.
For transistors, usually the fab itself provides the models.

Mainly transistors.
For individual discretes the manufacturer usually provides good models.

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