I have a circuit in which I need to enable 4518 counters for as
long as a signal is present on an input to the circuit. The input is
240VAC via a 4N25 optocoupler.
The clock input to the 4518's is a 1kHz signal - the idea is to count
pulses as long as the 240VAC signal is present, a few milliseconds.
The problem I have is this:
I need a fast rise/fall time clean DC signal applied to the enable input
to ensure an accurate count.
The signal I get from the above scenario is pulsed DC from the 4N25
(50Hz) If I attempt to smooth it, the smoothing leads to a slowing
up of the rise/fall times of the turning ON/OFF of the AC for obvious
Any ideas how to get a good clean go/no-go DC signal from an
AC source??
I have a circuit in which I need to enable 4518 counters for as
long as a signal is present on an input to the circuit. The input is
240VAC via a 4N25 optocoupler.
The clock input to the 4518's is a 1kHz signal - the idea is to count
pulses as long as the 240VAC signal is present, a few milliseconds.
The problem I have is this:
I need a fast rise/fall time clean DC signal applied to the enable input
to ensure an accurate count.
The signal I get from the above scenario is pulsed DC from the 4N25
(50Hz) If I attempt to smooth it, the smoothing leads to a slowing
up of the rise/fall times of the turning ON/OFF of the AC for obvious
Any ideas how to get a good clean go/no-go DC signal from an
AC source??