Anritsu Site Masters Wanted

Anritsu Sitemasters Wanted

also buying various spectrum analyzers and oscilloscopes

email to:
"Pierre-François (f5bqp_pfm)" wrote:

And when I say these guys aren't serious I wheight my words!...

My MINT very new U3661 full option including the tracking generator they
wanted to buy it from me at $3500 and I discovered they are offering a less
interesting one (no tracking gen, no high stab reference, no carrying case,
no front cover) on ebay for $14 995 !!!...
More than 4 times!!!

What a gangsters!!!

What a MORON. Even if the thing was NOS and still sealed in the
original carton, old test equipment needs to be test, calibrated, and
certified. Then they have to stand behind it, if something goes wrong
under their warranty. Do you have ANY idea how expensive it is to run a
cal lab? How expensive parts, manuals and employees to do the work
are? Taxes, insurance, utilities, business licenses, shipping and a
thousand other small things it takes to operate a Metrology/Calibration

If you're a penny pincher lock for stuff in dumpsters, and left
behind at hamfests.


If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

Sporadic E is the Earth's aluminum foil beanie for the 'global warming'
"Pierre-François (f5bqp_pfm)" wrote:
Stupid response!
Yes I've idea, believe me!
But is it a reason to try to screw up a potential seller?
I don't think so...
I'm in the business may be more longer than you're, so before replying with
a stupid response and trying to find stupid excuses turn your tong 7 times
in your mouth and then send your response...
Probably you'll be less ridiculous...

Is English you third, or forth language? You make absolutely no
sense, and only add more proof that you are a fool. If the messages you
sent them read like this, I'm sure they don't want to deal with you.
You whine like a four year old, and no one is impressed that you can
hold your breath till you turn blue.


If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

Sporadic E is the Earth's aluminum foil beanie for the 'global warming'
"Pierre-François (f5bqp_pfm)" wrote:
Stupid again!

No. Ignorance can be cured, but stupid is forever. You have my
condolences, but at least you have recognized your problem. :(

Speak my language like I speak yours!

Big deal! Gibberish is gibberish in any language, so you are all set
to look stupid in any language. :(

You have an attitude problem, and what you write may make sense to
you, but it looks like a bowl of alphabet soup to me.


If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

Sporadic E is the Earth's aluminum foil beanie for the 'global warming'

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