Jim Thompson
From time to time I develop tools and parts for PSpice to ease (and
speed up) circuit development.
One of my pet peeves has been that DC, F and G current sources will
just merrily keep pumping right out to an infinite voltage.
So I have posted on the Subcircuits and Symbols Page of my web site,
CompliantParts.SLB... allowing setting a voltage at which the current
dies away (TANH, so stable, unlike most clamping schemes).
These parts will directly drop into your symbol library set-up if you
are using PSpice Schematics as your schematic entry tool.
Most likely they can also be imported into OrCAD Capture... if you're
lucky ;-)
Or, if you're a glutton for punishment, copy the math into the
schematic capture of your choice.
...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice
480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |
I love to cook with wine Sometimes I even put it in the food
speed up) circuit development.
One of my pet peeves has been that DC, F and G current sources will
just merrily keep pumping right out to an infinite voltage.
So I have posted on the Subcircuits and Symbols Page of my web site,
CompliantParts.SLB... allowing setting a voltage at which the current
dies away (TANH, so stable, unlike most clamping schemes).
These parts will directly drop into your symbol library set-up if you
are using PSpice Schematics as your schematic entry tool.
Most likely they can also be imported into OrCAD Capture... if you're
lucky ;-)
Or, if you're a glutton for punishment, copy the math into the
schematic capture of your choice.
...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice
| E-mail Icon at http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |
I love to cook with wine Sometimes I even put it in the food