ANNOUNCE: X-Tek Releases X-Amin HDL Design/Analysis Suite


X-Tek Corporation

X-Tek Corporation annouces the first release of X-Amin: HDL
Design/Analysis Suite.

X-Amin (pronounced: Examine) performs various logic analyses without
the need to develop testbenches or extraneous code. With X-Amin, a
designer can quickly evaluate the functionality of a piece of a design
as the code is written. X-Amin also supports scripting so that
regression tests can be easily and quickly applied. Finally, X-Amin
can automatically regenerate all design diagrams as the HDL code is

With X-Amin, X-Tek introduces "EDA For Everyone" pricing which
provides professional quality EDA tools at a 'retail software' price.

Key Features of X-Amin:

* Truth table generation of combinational logic
* Logic equivalency analysis
* Temporal (i.e. state) proofs
* Reachability and deadlock analysis
* Logic level estimates
* Gate count estimates
* Lint checks
* Synthesis checks
* Logic and structure diagrams
o Flow diagram
o Flowchart diagram
o BDD Plot diagram
* Integrated editor with syntax highlighting
o Supports use of an external editor
* Supports Verilog (and VHDL, soon!)
* Provides both GUI and command-line modes

X-Amin is available on x86-Linux, x86-Windows and Sparc-Solaris
platforms. You can download a 15-day demo version at:

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