Hi All,
When using the Annotation Browser for Incomplete Nets is there away to
get the list of incomplete nets in SKILL(from the browser)?
In the old form is was easier(or seems so far)
Something like
IncompleteNetsForm~>theList~>choices would give you the listbox list
IncompleteNetsForm~>theList~>value returns users selections
With the new forms are there equivalent ways to get the data?
_vbAssistantReplay_treeEvent(dwindow('annotationBrowser5) "selection =
0") sets the form to "Incomplete nets" value
_vbAssistantReplay_treeEvent(dwindow('annotationBrowser5) "selection =
0:0") sets to first value in the tree info, how could user do it by
name of net?
For example from above
IncompleteNetsForm~>theList~>value = "vreg"
Thank you,
When using the Annotation Browser for Incomplete Nets is there away to
get the list of incomplete nets in SKILL(from the browser)?
In the old form is was easier(or seems so far)
Something like
IncompleteNetsForm~>theList~>choices would give you the listbox list
IncompleteNetsForm~>theList~>value returns users selections
With the new forms are there equivalent ways to get the data?
_vbAssistantReplay_treeEvent(dwindow('annotationBrowser5) "selection =
0") sets the form to "Incomplete nets" value
_vbAssistantReplay_treeEvent(dwindow('annotationBrowser5) "selection =
0:0") sets to first value in the tree info, how could user do it by
name of net?
For example from above
IncompleteNetsForm~>theList~>value = "vreg"
Thank you,