Hi, all
My cat is being tagged with one of those RFID chips. Now I want to read the
Cat gets into places where I do not want it to go and I want to set up a
detector there that will scare it away. Ue of IR detection will not work as
people get there too. So, since cat is already tagged, I'd like to use it.
I am after a detector that will read the ID from a distance of a bout
1-1.5m. Reader does not have to be self-contained. I will have to interface
it to a micro anyway to implent the "scaring" part.
Any help is appreciated.
If sending anything by e-mail, please send to aus.electronicsATrumatech.com
My cat is being tagged with one of those RFID chips. Now I want to read the
Cat gets into places where I do not want it to go and I want to set up a
detector there that will scare it away. Ue of IR detection will not work as
people get there too. So, since cat is already tagged, I'd like to use it.
I am after a detector that will read the ID from a distance of a bout
1-1.5m. Reader does not have to be self-contained. I will have to interface
it to a micro anyway to implent the "scaring" part.
Any help is appreciated.
If sending anything by e-mail, please send to aus.electronicsATrumatech.com