AND or OR function across a vector



I want to implement an OR function across a STD_LOGIC_VECTOR. For
exampe the equivalent of;

signal bus : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal result : std_logic;

result <= bus(3) or bus(2) or bus(1) or bus(0);

rather than typing all the input signals one by one, is there a
shorthand notation, or is there a standard package to do so?

for example something like "result <= Or(bus);"

I have done something like the following but I am not sure if this is
the best way to do it. I need to do this since the bus width is a
generic parameter and not known before hand.

process (bus)
result <= '0';
for I in bus'Range loop
if bus(I) = '1' Or bus(I) = 'H' then
result <= '1';
elsif bus(I) = 'X' then
result <= 'X';
end if;
end loop;
end process;

Thanks in advance
I guess you can very simply do it like this

result <= '1' when bus /= ALL_ZEROS else '0' ;

put this declaration in the signal declaration section

CONSTANT ALL_ZEROS : std_logic_vector(GENERIC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) :=
(others => '0') ;


Hitchkas wrote:
I want to implement an OR function across a STD_LOGIC_VECTOR. For
exampe the equivalent of;

signal bus : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal result : std_logic;

result <= bus(3) or bus(2) or bus(1) or bus(0);

rather than typing all the input signals one by one, is there a
shorthand notation, or is there a standard package to do so?

for example something like "result <= Or(bus);"

I have done something like the following but I am not sure if this is
the best way to do it. I need to do this since the bus width is a
generic parameter and not known before hand.

process (bus)
result <= '0';
for I in bus'Range loop
if bus(I) = '1' Or bus(I) = 'H' then
result <= '1';
elsif bus(I) = 'X' then
result <= 'X';
end if;
end loop;
end process;

Thanks in advance

result <= '0' when bus = (bus'range => '0') else '1';

Hitchkas wrote:
I want to implement an OR function across a STD_LOGIC_VECTOR. For
exampe the equivalent of;

signal bus : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal result : std_logic;

result <= bus(3) or bus(2) or bus(1) or bus(0);

rather than typing all the input signals one by one, is there a
shorthand notation, or is there a standard package to do so?

for example something like "result <= Or(bus);"
Ah, the reduction-OR operator. One of the few areas where Verilog does
something VHDL doesn't.

google for "reduction-OR VHDL" -- there's a few examples.


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