Analog video turner



Hi all,

Is it possible to modify an anlogue receiver in video player to a digital

I doubt it !

other alternatives are :
digital receiver card for your PC.
digital receiver set top box.

Brian Graham

"eltan" <> wrote in message
Hi all,

Is it possible to modify an anlogue receiver in video player to a digital

eltan wrote:
Hi all,

Is it possible to modify an anlogue receiver in video player to a digital
No, unless "modify" meanse "replace almost entire unit" :)

- Daniel
* Daniel Franklin - Lecturer in Computer Engineering
* University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia * d.franklin at
"eltan" <> wrote in message
Hi all,

Is it possible to modify an anlogue receiver in video player to a digital
Eltan, what do you really want to do? Do you wish to recieve digital TV
signals and record them from time to time just like you do today on a
standard analog VCR?

If so, you can just buy a simple SD Set Top Box and connect the composite
video and the L+R stereo audeo outputs to the appropriate inputs of your
VCR. Select Line 1 or 2 (whatever) on the VCR and voila! You will be
receiving signals from the STB.

But why would you do this? Is your analog signal crap? Do you expect a VCR
to record the digital signal with DVD quality?

I think the recorded quality will be a little better than a clean strong
analog signal - basically a more stable and cleaner picture. Not likely to
be worth the cost of the STB though. And if your VCR is a mono unit then you
will not be able to record in stereo.

Buy the STB to use primarily for watching TV. You can still record from it
as well.

If you have a poor signal you may find that you'll need to deal with that by
fixing your antenna or getting a better one.

If your VCR is crappy, consider buying (in order of goodness) a topfield HDD
recorder with dual intenal digital tuners (a bit over a gorilla), a Wintal
HDD recorder with a single digital tuner ($400), a hi-fi stereo VCR (under

Pioneer and others also make good suff.

Thanks all who reply.

"eltan" <> wrote in message
Hi all,

Is it possible to modify an anlogue receiver in video player to a digital


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