Analog designer needs help: flattening a gate-level verilog


Jackson Harvey

I have a hierarchical gate-level verilog netlist. That is, it contains
modules, which are instanced in other modules, etc. I need a flat
gate-level verilog netlist (one module, with just the logic gates). Is
there a free tool to do this? I don't have access to digital design
tools because, as the subject line says, I am an analog designer.

The hierarchical netlist was generated from a hierarchical Cadence
schematic, so if someone knows how to convince Cadence analog artist to
generate a flat gate-level verilog netlist (4.4.6 or 5.0 Cadence) that
is just as good or better.

Thanks in advance,
Jackson Harvey
I'd be interested in any replies you get - I'm in exactly the same
position as you, in that I want to be able to flatten a hierarchical

This is part of an attempt to write a (Perl) script which will take
extracted net capacitances and generate an SDF file. I think this will
be easier from a flat netlist.

I've looked at a couple of sources for Verilog netlist tools:
a) where there is a Perl script report.cells
I couldn't get it to do quite what I wanted

b) CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive) where there are some Perl modules
(eg Verilog-Perl) for netlist manipulation
Again, I had problems, which is probably down to my ignorance as a
Spice man and relative newcomer to Perl :)

Cheers, Rob

Jackson Harvey <> wrote in message news:<>...
I have a hierarchical gate-level verilog netlist. That is, it contains
modules, which are instanced in other modules, etc. I need a flat
gate-level verilog netlist (one module, with just the logic gates). Is
there a free tool to do this? I don't have access to digital design
tools because, as the subject line says, I am an analog designer.

The hierarchical netlist was generated from a hierarchical Cadence
schematic, so if someone knows how to convince Cadence analog artist to
generate a flat gate-level verilog netlist (4.4.6 or 5.0 Cadence) that
is just as good or better.

Thanks in advance,
Jackson Harvey

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