Winfield Hill
I need to make a simple analog data link, with 6 to 12kV
isolation capability. By simple, I mean 0.1% resolution
and 0.1% FS DC offset error, and maybe 20kHz bandwidth.
The goal is a scope-ready signal for our electrospinning
currents: 500nA FS, with less than 0.5nA noise and drift.
I'm thinking of using an ads1202 delta-sigma modulator,
and download its digital signal with an opi1268 coupler,
good to 16kV. See the datasheets in the dropbox folder.
We can run the modulator at 2MHz, the fastest speed the
coupler can handle. I'd like to use a simple low-pass
filter to convert the modulated signal to a DC voltage.
This means reconstituting the signal, while avoiding
problems from unequal rise and fall delays. But I have
a simple signal coding scheme in mind for doing that.
- Win
isolation capability. By simple, I mean 0.1% resolution
and 0.1% FS DC offset error, and maybe 20kHz bandwidth.
The goal is a scope-ready signal for our electrospinning
currents: 500nA FS, with less than 0.5nA noise and drift.
I'm thinking of using an ads1202 delta-sigma modulator,
and download its digital signal with an opi1268 coupler,
good to 16kV. See the datasheets in the dropbox folder.
We can run the modulator at 2MHz, the fastest speed the
coupler can handle. I'd like to use a simple low-pass
filter to convert the modulated signal to a DC voltage.
This means reconstituting the signal, while avoiding
problems from unequal rise and fall delays. But I have
a simple signal coding scheme in mind for doing that.
- Win