Analog audio to MP3 ?


Jim Hawkins

Is there any PC addon that accepts a stereo analog input
signal and generates an MP3 file from it ?

Jim Hawkins
"Jim Hawkins" <> wrote in message
Is there any PC addon that accepts a stereo analog input
signal and generates an MP3 file from it ?

Jim Hawkins
There is a hardware chip that would do this for you quickly, a PC won't
automatically do it for you without going through a conversion algorithm.
On 2010-08-12, Jim Hawkins <> wrote:
Is there any PC addon that accepts a stereo analog input
signal and generates an MP3 file from it ?
most PCs already have audio inputs, you just need an encoder.
(eg. bladeenc,ffmpeg,lame)

Apparently software patents are not legal On the Isle of Man, so if
your email address is indicative of your location aquiring and using of
the above mentioned software would be legal.

¡spuɐɥ ou 'ɐꟽ ʞooꞀ

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