Rafal Pietrak
Xilinx XST just barked at me:
--------------------------from *.syr---------------------
ERROR:Xst:2070 - If you are attempting to describe a dual-port
block RAM with two separate write ports for signal <rf>, please
use a shared variable instead. Coding guidelines are provided
in the user manual.
While I've only said:
-----------------------my *.vhd--------------------------
library IEEE;
entity rfile is
generic ( WORD_SIZE : natural := 4; ADDR_BITS : natural := 6);
Port ( data: inout std_logic_vector(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0);
addr: in std_logic_vector(ADDR_BITS-1 downto 0);
datab: inout std_logic_vector(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0);
addrb: in std_logic_vector(ADDR_BITS-1 downto 0);
wr2,rd2: in std_logic;
rd,wr: in std_logic);
end rfile;
architecture rtl of rfile is
type rft is array((2**ADDR_BITS)-1 downto 0) of
std_logic_vector(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0);
signal rf: rft;
if rising_edge(wr) then
rf(CONV_INTEGER(addr)) <= data;
end if;
end process;
if rising_edge(wr2) then
rf(CONV_INTEGER(addrb)) <= datab;
end if;
end process;
data <= (others => 'Z') when (wr = '0') or (rd = '1') else
datab <= (others => 'Z') when (wr2 = '0') or (rd2 = '1') else
end rtl;
Now, I think Xilinx should teach that beast a little politeness, here
But seriously.
YES!! I really did mean "writable dual ported RAM" here. I really don't
understand, why the synthesizer could recognize my intention and
*at*the*same*time* faulted to create what it's been asked for?!?!?!
So; Would someone be kind enough and tell me which volume (and paged
XST is referring to?
Of course if it's really a 'common construct', which is know by heart for
all you engineers - pls, pls just post a code snippet. The 'Language
Templates' within Xilinx ISE, regrettably don't contain "dual ported RAM
with two writable channels".
I'd really appreciate any help here.
PS: to a Xilinx reader - politeness here is putting a referral (like URL)
inside this already long ERROR message. ERROR message in it's current
form means nothing to a novice (like myself), and at the same time is
probably over talkative for an experienced engineer. Thank you.
Xilinx XST just barked at me:
--------------------------from *.syr---------------------
ERROR:Xst:2070 - If you are attempting to describe a dual-port
block RAM with two separate write ports for signal <rf>, please
use a shared variable instead. Coding guidelines are provided
in the user manual.
While I've only said:
-----------------------my *.vhd--------------------------
library IEEE;
entity rfile is
generic ( WORD_SIZE : natural := 4; ADDR_BITS : natural := 6);
Port ( data: inout std_logic_vector(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0);
addr: in std_logic_vector(ADDR_BITS-1 downto 0);
datab: inout std_logic_vector(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0);
addrb: in std_logic_vector(ADDR_BITS-1 downto 0);
wr2,rd2: in std_logic;
rd,wr: in std_logic);
end rfile;
architecture rtl of rfile is
type rft is array((2**ADDR_BITS)-1 downto 0) of
std_logic_vector(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0);
signal rf: rft;
if rising_edge(wr) then
rf(CONV_INTEGER(addr)) <= data;
end if;
end process;
if rising_edge(wr2) then
rf(CONV_INTEGER(addrb)) <= datab;
end if;
end process;
data <= (others => 'Z') when (wr = '0') or (rd = '1') else
datab <= (others => 'Z') when (wr2 = '0') or (rd2 = '1') else
end rtl;
Now, I think Xilinx should teach that beast a little politeness, here
But seriously.
YES!! I really did mean "writable dual ported RAM" here. I really don't
understand, why the synthesizer could recognize my intention and
*at*the*same*time* faulted to create what it's been asked for?!?!?!
So; Would someone be kind enough and tell me which volume (and paged
XST is referring to?
Of course if it's really a 'common construct', which is know by heart for
all you engineers - pls, pls just post a code snippet. The 'Language
Templates' within Xilinx ISE, regrettably don't contain "dual ported RAM
with two writable channels".
I'd really appreciate any help here.
PS: to a Xilinx reader - politeness here is putting a referral (like URL)
inside this already long ERROR message. ERROR message in it's current
form means nothing to a novice (like myself), and at the same time is
probably over talkative for an experienced engineer. Thank you.