Randy Gross
This web site, http://www.otherpower.com/pmg2.html , came up in another
discussion. The author built a wooden alternator with air core coils to
eliminate the cogging effect in the PMG.
Could stainless steel, or other alloy, be used in this situation to
boost inductance in the coil but not cog the magnet?
The stainless I work with has a slight magnetic attraction. The magnet
will not stick but, you can feel the tug when the magnet is close.
This brings up another question:
Is there a non-ferrous metal ( alloy ) that can be wrapped in a coil of
wire and utilized as an electromagnet?
Curiosity is a good thing!
discussion. The author built a wooden alternator with air core coils to
eliminate the cogging effect in the PMG.
Could stainless steel, or other alloy, be used in this situation to
boost inductance in the coil but not cog the magnet?
The stainless I work with has a slight magnetic attraction. The magnet
will not stick but, you can feel the tug when the magnet is close.
This brings up another question:
Is there a non-ferrous metal ( alloy ) that can be wrapped in a coil of
wire and utilized as an electromagnet?
Curiosity is a good thing!