Amplitude-to-Frequency and Visa Versa




Please don’t get upset at me.

I apologize profusely for posting something so similar to yesterday in
a different thread. However, you will notice some difference as you

Does a device that switches frequency [in number of Hz] with peak-to-
peak amplitude [in number of in photon(s)-per-second-per-square-meter]
– and visa versa -- exist? If not, is it possible to construct one?

In this device, the input of a signal that has a frequency of X Hz and
a peak-to-peak amplitude of Y photon-per-second-per-square-meter
will result in the output of a signal that has a frequency of Y Hz and
a peak-to-peak amplitude of X photon-per-second-per-square-meter.

Note: Despite the use of the word “photon”, this device involves
frequencies from 0 Hz to 1 THz only. No optical wavelengths.

Photon is the quantum of electromagnetic radiation at any frequency,
not necessarily optical frequencies.

Power lines in USA involve 60 Hz photons. 50 Hz photons in Europe. Any
electric current that is not pure DC will generate photons of the same
frequency it oscillates at.

It's also true that a higher-frequency electric signal will have more
watts-per-square-meter than a lower-frequency electric signal with the
same amount of photon(s)-per-second-per-square-meter. This is because
higher-frequency photons are more energetic than lower-frequency

To generate an electromagnetic signal of a higher-frequency requires
more power [for the same amount of photon(s)-per-second-per-square-
meter] than a lower-frequency EM signal.

Thanks for your assistance, understanding and cooperation.
On May 8, 5:17 pm, GreenXenon <> wrote:

Please don’t get upset at me.

I apologize profusely for posting something so similar to yesterday in
a different thread. However, you will notice some difference as you

Does a device that switches frequency [in number of Hz] with peak-to-
peak amplitude [in number of in photon(s)-per-second-per-square-meter]
– and visa versa -- exist? If not, is it possible to construct one?

In this device, the input of a signal that has a frequency of X Hz and
a peak-to-peak amplitude of Y photon-per-second-per-square-meter
will result in the output of a signal that has a frequency of Y Hz and
a peak-to-peak amplitude of X photon-per-second-per-square-meter.

Note: Despite the use of the word “photon”, this device involves
frequencies from 0 Hz to 1 THz only. No optical wavelengths.

Photon is the quantum of electromagnetic radiation at any frequency,
not necessarily optical frequencies.

Power lines in USA involve 60 Hz photons. 50 Hz photons in Europe. Any
electric current that is not pure DC will generate photons of the same
frequency it oscillates at.

It's also true that a higher-frequency electric signal will have more
watts-per-square-meter than a lower-frequency electric signal with the
same amount of photon(s)-per-second-per-square-meter. This is because
higher-frequency photons are more energetic than lower-frequency

To generate an electromagnetic signal of a higher-frequency requires
more power [for the same amount of photon(s)-per-second-per-square-
meter] than a lower-frequency EM signal.

Thanks for your assistance, understanding and cooperation.

This message was posted on accident. Sorry.

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