amperage multiplier

  • Thread starter Camilo Andres Gil Cardona
  • Start date

Camilo Andres Gil Cardona

Hi everybody! i need to know how to multiply current, but true
multiplying, not amplification with transistors or something like
that. What methods there are for that?! (i want something like the
current amplification of a transformator when relationship of wires is
established for current multiplication, real multiplication)
"Camilo Andres Gil Cardona" <> wrote in message
Hi everybody! i need to know how to multiply current, but true
multiplying, not amplification with transistors or something like
that. What methods there are for that?! (i want something like the
current amplification of a transformator when relationship of wires is
established for current multiplication, real multiplication)
If you use a 1 ohm sense resistor, measured voltage across the resistor
equals current. Or, if you need isolation, use a current transformer.

Then, you use a voltage multiplier chip, like an AD633 to get the result as
a voltage.

You can change this back to a current if you want by using a simple opamp
circuit as follows:

| |
| .-.
| | |
| | | Your load
| '-'
| |
| |
|\| ||-+
+---|-\ ||<- N channel MOSFET
From MPY | | >---||-+
----------|+/ |
| |/| |
| | |
| | |
| .-.
| | |
| | | 1 ohm
| '-'
| |
created by Andy´s ASCII-Circuit v1.24.140803 Beta

Use a rail to rail opamp.

Bob Monsen
Was this AC or DC? Why can't you use transistors. Transformers (not
"transformators") transform an AC signal from one amplitude to another
amplitude. For example 120vac is transformed into 12vac in your video tape
recorder with a transformer. Current multiplication is really current
amplification, really. If you want more current, you need to design (or
purchase) a larger capacity power supply. If you want a serious answer to
your question, please provide more information about what you are trying to

"Camilo Andres Gil Cardona" <> wrote in message
Hi everybody! i need to know how to multiply current, but true
multiplying, not amplification with transistors or something like
that. What methods there are for that?! (i want something like the
current amplification of a transformator when relationship of wires is
established for current multiplication, real multiplication)
Camilo Andres Gil Cardona wrote:
Hi everybody! i need to know how to multiply current, but true
multiplying, not amplification with transistors or something like
that. What methods there are for that?! (i want something like the
current amplification of a transformator when relationship of wires is
established for current multiplication, real multiplication)
Here's a weird circuit I ran across that was designed for
use with HV AC supplies like Tesla coils. It looks like a
sorta inverse of the familiar voltage multipler circuits
that use diodes and caps.

| | | |
| | | |
ACin o->|--||--->|--||---->|---||--->|---||---->|--o ACin
| | | |

The "_V_"s and "->|-"s represent diodes (select for
appropriate V & I characteristics), the "-||-"s are
capacitors, and the Ls are fat iron-cored inductors.

(You hafta kinda squish the diagram vertically to see
that the Ls connect between the diodes and caps.)

I have not built this, so let us know how (if) it works, OK?

Mark L. Fergerson

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