Amateur question: Converting a car cigarette lighter powered


Michael King

Can anyone help me please.

I'm a total novice about electronics, but I would like to know whether
a portable compressor (used for inflating car tyres) that is powered
from a car's cigarette lighter can be converted easily to run from the

MK (Michael King) wrote in message news:<>...
Can anyone help me please.

I'm a total novice about electronics, but I would like to know whether
a portable compressor (used for inflating car tyres) that is powered
from a car's cigarette lighter can be converted easily to run from the


Yes, it's quite simple, albeit probably kind of expensive. Well,
the transformer will be the most expensive part. You need to find out
how many amps your compressor needs, and size the transformer
appropriately. Then, you could do it with one diode, but a bridge
would give you better utilization of the transformer capacity.

Have Fun!
1st, you need to find out how much current the compressor draws
(on the labell) (borrow 20 amp DC ammeter).
2) Buy a battery charger (second-hand?)
with a rating of at least that much current
Now you also have a tool for a dead car battery.
3) buy a cigarette adapter recepticle (Radio Shack?)
so you won't have to modify the compressor,
as Doug pointed out.

An adapter that will run your cell phone charger
will NOT be big enough to run a compressor.
...the compressor could easily use 15 amps.
John G

...adapter that...provides a 12v, cigarette adapter output.
This solution also has the benefit of not having to alter the
compressor so that you can still use it in your car.
Douglas Wills"

...portable compressor (used for inflating car tyres)
that is powered from a car's cigarette lighter
can be converted easily to run from the mains?
Michael King

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