AM/FM tuner, cannot get AM stations?


Robert Blass

I have this AM/FM tuner, bought about 10 years ago. I tried connecting
an AM antenna to it. All it does is make a LOUD humming noise. Is
there some configuration I need to make the AM side of the antenna
work properly?

It has [3] places to put wire that attaches to your antenna. The FM
antenna is just simply placing ONE wire into the hole and clamping it

I have a few choices like 1&2 or 1&3 or 2&3 etc.....

They all clamp down so no need to connect with screws.

The manual, if I can find it, I remember it as being impossible to
understand...It said something like 'attach your antenna and
enjoy" details...

So what is the deal here?
Robert Blass wrote:
I have this AM/FM tuner, bought about 10 years ago. I tried connecting
an AM antenna to it. All it does is make a LOUD humming noise. Is
there some configuration I need to make the AM side of the antenna
work properly?

It has [3] places to put wire that attaches to your antenna. The FM
antenna is just simply placing ONE wire into the hole and clamping it

I have a few choices like 1&2 or 1&3 or 2&3 etc.....

They all clamp down so no need to connect with screws.

The manual, if I can find it, I remember it as being impossible to
understand...It said something like 'attach your antenna and
enjoy" details...

So what is the deal here?

Polarity doesn't matter, so you only have three permutations to go through.

If you can't get _any_ stations, and you're not helplessly out in the
boonies, then the AM section of your tuner is shot and needs repair (or
pitch and replace).


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services

Do you need to implement control loops in software?
"Applied Control Theory for Embedded Systems" gives you just what it says.
See details at
Tim Wescott wrote:
Robert Blass wrote:
I have this AM/FM tuner, bought about 10 years ago. I tried connecting
an AM antenna to it. All it does is make a LOUD humming noise. Is
there some configuration I need to make the AM side of the antenna
work properly?

It has [3] places to put wire that attaches to your antenna. The FM
antenna is just simply placing ONE wire into the hole and clamping it

I have a few choices like 1&2 or 1&3 or 2&3 etc.....

They all clamp down so no need to connect with screws.

The manual, if I can find it, I remember it as being impossible to
understand...It said something like 'attach your antenna and
enjoy" details...

So what is the deal here?

Polarity doesn't matter, so you only have three permutations to go through.

If you can't get _any_ stations, and you're not helplessly out in the
boonies, then the AM section of your tuner is shot and needs repair (or
pitch and replace).

That, or there is so much electrical noise that it wipes out the
entire AM band.

Another possibility is that he is inside a metal building that blocks
all the AM signals.

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
On Oct 6, 7:26 am, Robert Blass <bl...@messenger.xcx> wrote:
I have this AM/FM tuner, bought about 10 years ago. I tried connecting
an AM antenna to it. All it does is make a LOUD humming noise.
Probably the wrong type of antenna? Your FM antenna (circa 100 MHz)
is a folded dipole, and the AM antenna (circa 1 MHz) is a loop
type (five or ten turns of wire , 6 inch diameter).

Of course, it could also be a bad selector switch; give all the
switches a thorough workout, and try contact cleaner.

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