Can anyone suggest a source in the UK for one of these fella's ?
I've done a scan of RS and a websearch using google, but I can't find 'owt
resembling 26microfarad 100v NP.
Any suggestions are more than welcome.
It's from a blown speaker cab driver.
Regards - Brownz
please mail me at:
a d m i n [at] b r o w n z [dot] o r g
Can anyone suggest a source in the UK for one of these fella's ?
I've done a scan of RS and a websearch using google, but I can't find 'owt
resembling 26microfarad 100v NP.
Any suggestions are more than welcome.
It's from a blown speaker cab driver.
Regards - Brownz
please mail me at:
a d m i n [at] b r o w n z [dot] o r g