Altera SoPC builder command line system generator


Petter Gustad

According to "Reference Manual SOPC Builder PTF File":

"The System Generator Program can also be run from the command-line
independent from the GUI. When the System Generator Program runs, it
must read system design data from a PTF file. The name of the PTF file
is given as a command line argument to the System Generator Program."

But how do I run the system generator from the command line?

The GUI appears to buld a script called SYSTEM_generation_script, but
this seem to use an arguement ($1) which I can't seem to guess since I
will get an malformed argument error in later.

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Petter Gustad <> wrote in message news:<>...
According to "Reference Manual SOPC Builder PTF File":

"The System Generator Program can also be run from the command-line
independent from the GUI. When the System Generator Program runs, it
must read system design data from a PTF file. The name of the PTF file
is given as a command line argument to the System Generator Program."

But how do I run the system generator from the command line?

The GUI appears to buld a script called SYSTEM_generation_script, but
this seem to use an arguement ($1) which I can't seem to guess since I
will get an malformed argument error in later.


Hi Petter,

This is a back-end feature of SOPC Builder (as nearly all of our
Nios/SOPC-related tools are currently command-line based) and as its
not visible to the customer ordinarily. As such we don't document it
beyond what you saw in the PTF doc (which is pretty close to an
internal engineering doc as far as our documentation goes).

That said, to generate your system from the command line, try this
from the Nios SDK (Bash) shell:

1. Switch to the directory where your Quartus project/SOPC Builder
design files are.
2. Type: sopc_builder <name of your .ptf file> --generate=1

The above assumes that you have a correctly formatted .ptf file ready
to go.

Jesse Kempa
Altera Corp.
jkempa at altera dot com (Jesse Kempa) writes:

That said, to generate your system from the command line, try this
from the Nios SDK (Bash) shell:

1. Switch to the directory where your Quartus project/SOPC Builder
design files are.
2. Type: sopc_builder <name of your .ptf file> --generate=1

The above assumes that you have a correctly formatted .ptf file ready
to go.
Thank you for your advice. I think I found the problem. I was thinking
that SYSTEM_generation_script was self contained. It appears that
there is a problem with the handling or interpretation of the argument
--sopc_perl. It seems like the --sopc_perl in the
SYSTEM_generation_script does not do very much. However, If I set the
environment variable SOPC_PERL to point at the supplied perl version
($QUARTUS_HOME/linux/perl561) it works!

I like the way the SOPC builder will build a script
(SYSTEM_generation_script) which will build the system just like it
was done in the GUI. However, it appears that this script isn't
completely standalone. But as I said, if I set SOPC_PERL it will work.


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?

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