Hi all,
I'm working with Quartus II 2.2 sp2 and my target fpga is APEX20KE.
I have described a latch in my VHDL code with an enable signal, something
like this
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity my_lat is
port (d : in std_logic;
en : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
q : out std_logic);
end my_lat;
architecture rtl of my_lat is
signal next_q, q_local : std_logic;
next_q <= d when (en='1') else q_local;
q_local <= next_q when (clk='1') else q_local;
q <= q_local;
end rtl;
Quartus II synthesizes this code mapping the latch on a lut with the
following equation:
--A1L5 is q_local~1 at LC3_1_S1
--operation mode is normal
A1L5 = clk & (en & d # !en & A1L5) # !clk & A1L5;
The gate level backannotated simulation produces oscillation on q output.
Actually this what I see in a more complex design (this is only an example).
Looking the equations it seems to be all ok, even if SDF extracted doesn't
contain any TIMING CHECKS for combinatorial part of a LE, nevertheless the
equation describes a combinatorial loop.
(CELLTYPE "apex20ke_asynch_lcell" )
(INSTANCE q_local_a16.lecomb )
(PORT dataa (3754:3754:3754) (3754:3754:3754) )
(PORT datab (11093:11093:11093) (11093:11093:11093) )
(PORT datac (3754:3754:3754) (3754:3754:3754) )
(PORT datad (274:274:274) (274:274:274) )
(IOPATH dataa combout (800:800:800) (800:800:800) )
(IOPATH datab combout (783:783:783) (783:783:783) )
(IOPATH datac combout (726:726:726) (726:726:726) )
(IOPATH datad combout (335:335:335) (335:335:335) )
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance,
I'm working with Quartus II 2.2 sp2 and my target fpga is APEX20KE.
I have described a latch in my VHDL code with an enable signal, something
like this
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity my_lat is
port (d : in std_logic;
en : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
q : out std_logic);
end my_lat;
architecture rtl of my_lat is
signal next_q, q_local : std_logic;
next_q <= d when (en='1') else q_local;
q_local <= next_q when (clk='1') else q_local;
q <= q_local;
end rtl;
Quartus II synthesizes this code mapping the latch on a lut with the
following equation:
--A1L5 is q_local~1 at LC3_1_S1
--operation mode is normal
A1L5 = clk & (en & d # !en & A1L5) # !clk & A1L5;
The gate level backannotated simulation produces oscillation on q output.
Actually this what I see in a more complex design (this is only an example).
Looking the equations it seems to be all ok, even if SDF extracted doesn't
contain any TIMING CHECKS for combinatorial part of a LE, nevertheless the
equation describes a combinatorial loop.
(CELLTYPE "apex20ke_asynch_lcell" )
(INSTANCE q_local_a16.lecomb )
(PORT dataa (3754:3754:3754) (3754:3754:3754) )
(PORT datab (11093:11093:11093) (11093:11093:11093) )
(PORT datac (3754:3754:3754) (3754:3754:3754) )
(PORT datad (274:274:274) (274:274:274) )
(IOPATH dataa combout (800:800:800) (800:800:800) )
(IOPATH datab combout (783:783:783) (783:783:783) )
(IOPATH datac combout (726:726:726) (726:726:726) )
(IOPATH datad combout (335:335:335) (335:335:335) )
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance,