"alias" problem with `define in sequence detector


Mahurshi Akilla

i'm trying to write a detector that would set "Flag" to 1 if a certain
sequence (in this case, 100) is detected.

the code works fine. however, after i introduced the following:
`define MESSAGE 3'b100
and changed my comparision line to:
if (message == MESSAGE)
it complains that "MESSAGE" is undefined.

i thought i could "alias" 3'b100 to MESSAGE so i could change the
detection sequence by only changing the alias and not touching the meat
of the code.

could someone tell me what's wrong here? i am pasting my code below:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`define MESSAGE 3'b100
module detector(Din, Reset, clk, Flag);
input Din;
input Reset;
input clk;
output Flag;

reg [2:0] message;
reg Flag;

always @ (posedge clk or posedge Reset)

if (Reset == 1'b1)
message <= 3'b000;
Flag <= 0;
message <= message << 1;
message[0] <= Din;

if (message == MESSAGE)
Flag <= 1;
Flag <= 0;
$display("reset = %d, din = %d, message = %b, flag = %d", Reset, Din,
message, Flag);



Mahurshi Akilla
That's a simple one. In Verilog, when you refer to a macro created with
`define, you need to reference it with a backtick. I.e., `MESSAGE.

Just to be clear:
`define MESSAGE 3'b100
if (message == `MESSAGE)

"Mahurshi Akilla" <mahurshi@gmail.com> wrote in message
i'm trying to write a detector that would set "Flag" to 1 if a certain
sequence (in this case, 100) is detected.

the code works fine. however, after i introduced the following:
`define MESSAGE 3'b100
and changed my comparision line to:
if (message == MESSAGE)
it complains that "MESSAGE" is undefined.
Try comparing to `MESSAGE.
Mahurshi Akilla wrote:

`define MESSAGE 3'b100
and changed my comparision line to:
if (message == MESSAGE)
it complains that "MESSAGE" is undefined.
Others have already pointed out that you need to use a backtick... But from a stylistic view I'd
point out that you can improve the clarity of the code if you don't rely on case sensitivity in
naming things. I haven't heard of people running into compiler problems while relying on it, but I
think people try to stay away from it. I also find that it helps for certain editing functions to
keep the naming structured.

Something like

`define MSG_TYPE1 3'b100
`define MSG_TYPE2 3'b101

if (message == `MSG_TYPE1) begin
stathis gotsis wrote:
"Mahurshi Akilla" <mahurshi@gmail.com> wrote in message
i'm trying to write a detector that would set "Flag" to 1 if a certain
sequence (in this case, 100) is detected.

the code works fine. however, after i introduced the following:
`define MESSAGE 3'b100
and changed my comparision line to:
if (message == MESSAGE)
it complains that "MESSAGE" is undefined.

Try comparing to `MESSAGE.
Ahh... that fixed the problem. thanks folks.

Mahurshi Akilla
You need `MESSAGE :)

LogicSim - Your Personal Verilog Simulator

Mahurshi Akilla wrote:
stathis gotsis wrote:
"Mahurshi Akilla" <mahurshi@gmail.com> wrote in message
i'm trying to write a detector that would set "Flag" to 1 if a certain
sequence (in this case, 100) is detected.

the code works fine. however, after i introduced the following:
`define MESSAGE 3'b100
and changed my comparision line to:
if (message == MESSAGE)
it complains that "MESSAGE" is undefined.

Try comparing to `MESSAGE.

Ahh... that fixed the problem. thanks folks.

Mahurshi Akilla

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