George Herold
.... and burnt plastic in the morning.
In which George makes his first home circuit,
has fun, but is ultimately disappointed in the numbers.
(with hat tip to A.A. Milne :^)
I was going to post of pic of circuit, home lab...
(but drop box keeps losing it.)
it's amazing what a mess of things I can make in a day.
I built a little current source to drive diodes.
___Vs +9-12V
|\ /
-Vin-|+\ |/
| >--R1(1k)--| (2n4401)
+-|-/ |\>
| |/ |
| Diode load
| |
+------R2 10k------+
R3 10 ohms
Vin 0-1V
worked fine with the diode, but I had a switch around the diode.
and with no (diode) load it oscillated. Till I shorted R1.
Is R1 a bad idea?
Anyway I kept R1 but put a bypass cap across it. (0.1uf)
Oh! and the poor 2n4401 got kinda hot at 50-100 mA.
I put in a helper (2nd 2n4401) and added 1 ohm in each
emitter arm to help balance current (not shown in circuit.)
I put a green led in first. And here was a weird thing.
I was monitoring the photocurrent* at the same time and the
light went up... (5 uA to 7 uA) at ~80 mA.. overdriving this
T- 3/4(?) plastic lens through hole. photo current decreased with more
drive current after that point.
OK and then the main attraction is the photo-current from
this panasonic laser diode. (Below threshold)
Well first having a laser diode with both 650 and 780 nm
co-inear is way cool... made things easy to line up.
But the numbers are not at all good. I measure 10-20 nA of photocurrent
(or less, alot depends on hwo close I get to the laser threshold...
more later) Which I guesstimate is only 1-2% of the photons will overlap
and 'correlate'. I'm going to start a new thread about this.
George H.
In which George makes his first home circuit,
has fun, but is ultimately disappointed in the numbers.
(with hat tip to A.A. Milne :^)
I was going to post of pic of circuit, home lab...
(but drop box keeps losing it.)
it's amazing what a mess of things I can make in a day.
I built a little current source to drive diodes.
___Vs +9-12V
|\ /
-Vin-|+\ |/
| >--R1(1k)--| (2n4401)
+-|-/ |\>
| |/ |
| Diode load
| |
+------R2 10k------+
R3 10 ohms
Vin 0-1V
worked fine with the diode, but I had a switch around the diode.
and with no (diode) load it oscillated. Till I shorted R1.
Is R1 a bad idea?
Anyway I kept R1 but put a bypass cap across it. (0.1uf)
Oh! and the poor 2n4401 got kinda hot at 50-100 mA.
I put in a helper (2nd 2n4401) and added 1 ohm in each
emitter arm to help balance current (not shown in circuit.)
I put a green led in first. And here was a weird thing.
I was monitoring the photocurrent* at the same time and the
light went up... (5 uA to 7 uA) at ~80 mA.. overdriving this
T- 3/4(?) plastic lens through hole. photo current decreased with more
drive current after that point.
OK and then the main attraction is the photo-current from
this panasonic laser diode. (Below threshold)
Well first having a laser diode with both 650 and 780 nm
co-inear is way cool... made things easy to line up.
But the numbers are not at all good. I measure 10-20 nA of photocurrent
(or less, alot depends on hwo close I get to the laser threshold...
more later) Which I guesstimate is only 1-2% of the photons will overlap
and 'correlate'. I'm going to start a new thread about this.
George H.