AE7J Mania! Get Ready Here He Comes! Joe Mania is Here!!


Dave U. Random


(Reuters) Get Ready Here He Comes! Joe mania is here to stay!
Joe, AE7J lives in Northern Oregon and is the most sought out, dee'exed
voices on ham radio. Rumor has it that he is being groomed as the
replacement for Rush Limbaugh. Noel KI6DKV, an orthodox Jewish ham
operator from Lake Los Angeles claims about AE7J, "Oi! Oi! Oi! Joe is a
god! Man oh manna, I wish he were a casting director so I can be on his
show! Oink oink oink, I just love AE7J! He speaks the truth and needs no
reason to apologize,." Loudly, Noel cries out loud "Who is the most
entertaining ham radio operator ever - A-E-7-J, huh, huh huh!"

Joe, a paunch man, sounds like the commercial radio broadcaster Rush
Limbaugh,and heralds various topics ranging from law theory, radio field
engineering, music production, Greek and Roman history, making a
Hollandaise sauce, pet parrots, titty braiding, Ford Explorer electrical
systems, UNIX shell programming, the Hessienberg Uncertainty
Principle, vintage bicycles manufactures and their faults, solving
tensor shell calculus problems, author Nathaniel Hawthorne, reverse
speech, the hidden alien agenda, cosmology, axiology, hybrids of corn,
the hidden lyrics of Bob Dylan, Red wine varieties and orange wine?

When Joe speaks all hams hang on every one his words.
Stan 'Fat Head', WG6K from Aptos swallows and softly comments,
"Joe is what we like to call a gift horse in the mouth. Say the wrong
thing and Joe will shred you up like lettuce. I used to be in radio and
I will say that Joe sits up on the laurels with the Art Bells, Dr.
Lauras and Howard Sterns. You should give him a listen, he's my main man
on 3740. And he's a beautiful human being too and many operators are
just plain jealous of. But Joe is the 'it' man."

Most ham radio operators agree Joe is their linchpin, the future
of 75 meter and 80 meters. Anna from Oregon chimes in,
"Oh, I'm so afraid of Joe, he's so flattering much more than
the perverted men who call me "honey" down frequency and
that makes me feel uncomfortable, Joe is cool, a man's man."
One group of dx'ers (short wave listeners) in the Mojave Desert's
Lancaster area are his official fan club called "the Joe-sters".
We caught up with the president Ronald about to enter a
Rosamond, CA grocery store to get a batch of fried chicken.

Ron, a skinny old man took out a red hankie and wiped his forehead.
He chuckled when asked about AE7J's club, "uh, uh, uh, we started
getting together for lunch almost ever Saturday and talking
about uh, uh Joe Christian's talks, and wisdom...uh uh uh,
to be called a Christian is an understatement. Uhhh I love Joe and
so do the twenty and thirty men and women who uh uh get together
for lunch in his honor every Saturday in the uh uh Mojave Desert area.
With an emphatic chuckle "Uh, uh, uh his sweet words of
pismotology are enlightening. I kiss the ground he walks on AE7J is
the Mecca of ham radio!" "Ain't it the truth" comments a shopper in
Rosamond who hears our conversation.

Why does Joe have a big following?
We interviewed the owner/editor of a ham radio magazine which is about
to go defunct in December.

"AE7J has reached the summit of ham radio operators, he's got a natural
envious charisma that is well liked, he doesn't stutter or he doesn't
have brain damage, isn't a pervert and is definitely not a prude nor a
prima donna like some of operators on the 'the bucket net' 3846."

When will AE7J mania subside?

"We don't know. Joe is riding the crest of wave right now, he's going to
be a force to be reconciled with very soon." owner and
revered radio operator in his own right; Steve Wingate adds, "You know
it is well known that I and Joe have had our differences but you know's all good. He's one of us and like the Beatles say, "and you
know that should be glad."

The magazine owner tried to get an exclusive with Joe but he is
virtually unreachable. "We're getting at least fifty phone calls and
hundreds of emails from Joe's fan wanting us to do an exclusive on him
but he doesn't want to come out the woodwork."

We spoke to several ham radio listeners around the western United States.

Pamela from Red Bluff, "Joe? AE7J? You gotta be kidding' me!
Isn't there not a listener of late night radio who doesn't know
him? The man is a G-O-D!" Don H. Rainwater, N7EEH, wearing levi
overalls, a worn taco bell hat and missing half of his teeth, spits
chewing tobacco on the Arizona dirt from a rundown motel in Salome,
Arizona, "Gosh, oh gee...jiminy crickets! AE7J is the E.F. Hutton
of short wave when he keys up you stop and listen and besides the guy is
one of the greatest (morse) coders west of the Mississippi. He's a good
buddy a real good good buddy! Joe is what we in Salome playfully call
the long schlong we like to gargle our tonsils on during
a hot sticky sweaty night devoid of the no code losers. Don, continues
on a hot August night, I can walk down to the corner market to grab a
beer and hear at least five hamradio sets tuned to AE7J. Hangin on every
word dude! Excuse me, I'se gotta go milk a cow down yonder.Guess
you didn't know I can milk a cow to code didja?" Whatever.

The authors of this article wanted to get a report from the big cheese
himself late night radio maven, "Art Bell" but an aide stated that Mr.
Bell was too busy building a studio for his new radio program but
offered a brief comment, "Uhhh, Joes' okay, he articulates, asserts
himself and is enigmatic but I will confess (Art whispers) I am a
closet case listener."

Greg, K7ZAR, who recently re-located to Hilo, Hawaii comments
as he takes a puff of a Camel cigarette in a feminine sounding voice,
"One of the reasons me and my dog Whiskey left the mainland is because
we were scared of AE7J's acumen. Joe is terrifying what that man can gotta love him, you gotta love him man. I believe his
intelligent quotient is hovering about the 200 range which is why he
gets along with Stan on 3740. (Greg heaves in a huge puff of a Camel
cigarette and simultaneously blows it out of his nostrils and mouth,
then squints and looks at the setting Hawaiian sun). For sure most of
the operators are quite frankly jealous of Joe. Right Whiskey....

Chip, K6PEJ, a national recognized voice over actor briefly commented
through his PR agency, "Yes! Joe is certainly a charismatic snake
charmer, even old Chip here fell head over heels in love with him. Me
and my little Jack Russel here sit by a trashcan lit with leaves
listening to old Joe. Truly, a blessing a real blessing for
ham radio. He is a forgivable person much to the chagrin of his peers."

So if you are scanning the late night world wide band of short wave
radio do tune in and try to find that friendly voice in the dead of
night Joe, AE7J, you will find Pandoras box opened and your eyes opened
to a new idea and a new way of life. Joe is the virtual door stop on
frequencies 3740, 3840, 3846 and 3825. If you're lucky engage him. Say 'hi'.
On 08/14/2013 07:14 PM, Dave U. Random wrote:

So if you are scanning the late night world wide band of short wave
radio do tune in and try to find that friendly voice in the dead of
night Joe, AE7J, you will find Pandoras box opened and your eyes opened
to a new idea and a new way of life. Joe is the virtual door stop on
frequencies 3740, 3840, 3846 and 3825. If you're lucky engage him. Say 'hi'.

75 meters is the ghetto of amateur radio. In the Valley of the Blind the
one eyed man is king.
On Thu, 15 Aug 2013 04:50:37 -0700, dave wrote:
On 08/14/2013 07:14 PM, Dave U. Random wrote:

So if you are scanning the late night world wide band of short wave
radio do tune in and try to find that friendly voice in the dead of
night Joe, AE7J, you will find Pandoras box opened and your eyes opened
to a new idea and a new way of life. Joe is the virtual door stop on
frequencies 3740, 3840, 3846 and 3825. If you're lucky engage him. Say 'hi'.

75 meters is the ghetto of amateur radio. In the Valley of the Blind the
one eyed man is king.

Marvin L Jones | jonz | W3DHJ | linux
38.24N 104.55W | @ | Jonesy | OS/2
* Killfiling google &

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