I wish to buy my first oscilloscope (for hobbyist). I have search some
information in the Internet, but I still have some doubts:
-I live away of the large towns and I have to buy it from an internet store,
from inside the European Union (to avoid import taxes). I have this one in
From german store www.conrad.com, a VoltCraft 30 MHz oscilloscope 630
"Professional two-channel oscilloscope for service, laboratory, training and
DIY use. Outstanding in its class due to its reliability, technical
equipment and price. Clear, conveniently laid out operating elements. Even
the smallest signals can easily be read off on the 8 x 10 cm rectangular
screen. The max. vertical deflection of 1mV/cm means that even small signals
can be measured. The highly sensitive alternating triggering guarantees a
static screen image for both channels, even at different frequencies. The
TV-V and TV-H operating modes allow triggering of video signals. The XY mode
is useful for the 4 quadrant characteristic curve. A 50 W output (channel I)
is available for the connection of frequency meters."
- 30Mhz are ok for a hobbyist?
-Does the scope include any probes or I have to buy it apart. Cheap chinese
probes from Ebay are ok?
-Any additional avise?
Joăo Silva
I wish to buy my first oscilloscope (for hobbyist). I have search some
information in the Internet, but I still have some doubts:
-I live away of the large towns and I have to buy it from an internet store,
from inside the European Union (to avoid import taxes). I have this one in
From german store www.conrad.com, a VoltCraft 30 MHz oscilloscope 630
"Professional two-channel oscilloscope for service, laboratory, training and
DIY use. Outstanding in its class due to its reliability, technical
equipment and price. Clear, conveniently laid out operating elements. Even
the smallest signals can easily be read off on the 8 x 10 cm rectangular
screen. The max. vertical deflection of 1mV/cm means that even small signals
can be measured. The highly sensitive alternating triggering guarantees a
static screen image for both channels, even at different frequencies. The
TV-V and TV-H operating modes allow triggering of video signals. The XY mode
is useful for the 4 quadrant characteristic curve. A 50 W output (channel I)
is available for the connection of frequency meters."
- 30Mhz are ok for a hobbyist?
-Does the scope include any probes or I have to buy it apart. Cheap chinese
probes from Ebay are ok?
-Any additional avise?
Joăo Silva