Advice on RP TV's 130cm or so ..



I've seen some rear projection TV's @ a good price .. 130-134cm
panasonic and LG .. I know these are not HD stuff ..but for the value
(nearly half of anything in comparable size) hey might be worth it.

I looked at the panasonic (800hmodel, 130cm) $3499 ..and the lG 61RB
model (134cm) $2999 .. and that is without any hagling

i found that the LG seems to show up the lines bit more than the
panasonic. Is that the panasonic is slightly better or they use
different type of displaying .. I assume they both use 3 gun tubes ..

any suggestions I cannot sseem to find musch reviews or comparisons
of these on the web ..
Have a look at the new Sony RPTV, they have HD inputs but only use a CRT so
the full resolution is not there and they now start at $4500 RRP, which by
the time they hit the shop floors, should be much cheaper.

I have seen only one on display at Megamart in Sunshine, beside its bigger
bother and they look as good as any other HD TV.

"mc" <> wrote in message
I've seen some rear projection TV's @ a good price .. 130-134cm
panasonic and LG .. I know these are not HD stuff ..but for the value
(nearly half of anything in comparable size) hey might be worth it.

I looked at the panasonic (800hmodel, 130cm) $3499 ..and the lG 61RB
model (134cm) $2999 .. and that is without any hagling

i found that the LG seems to show up the lines bit more than the
panasonic. Is that the panasonic is slightly better or they use
different type of displaying .. I assume they both use 3 gun tubes ..

any suggestions I cannot sseem to find musch reviews or comparisons
of these on the web ..
Disclaimer: I know SFA about RP TV's (which is just a little more than I
want to or need to know).

You'll probably find that if you adjust the focus on the LG so that it's
slightly out of focus, the lines will blend into each other and it will
become as "good" as the Panasonic.


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