Robert Monsen
I am helping with a project which requires remote sensors, in the form of
photodiodes. These photodiodes will be activated by a shadow passing over a
hole. The shadow will be there for less than 60ms. This will be required to
generate a logic high pulse of at least a couple of ms at the input of a
PIC. The goals are that it be reliable, cheap, and durable. The environment
is very noisy electrically, since there will be lots of little electric
motors running in the area, within inches of the sensor circuit.
The sensors will be a maximum of 164' from the PIC. The hope is to use cat5
cable, simply because its available.
I would like to power the sensors remotely through the cable.
My initial idea is to simply put power and ground on three of the twisted
pairs to power a driver circuit, which would consist of a transistor circuit
as follows:
Please view with a fixed font like courier...
| | |
| .-. .-.
| | | | |
| | | 1k | | 4k7
photodiode - '-' '-'
^ | | A
| +----+--------------
| | | |
| |/ | |
+-------| .-. | B
| |> | | +--------
| | | |10k |
| | '-' |
.-. | | |/
| | | +---|
10k | | | |>
'-' | |
| | |
| | |
created by Andy´s ASCII-Circuit v1.24.140803 Beta www.tech-chat.de
The transistors would be junkbox NPNs like 2N2222A or 2N4401s.
At the PIC, the output would be determined by measuring the difference
between A and B. A < B would mean 0, and A > B would mean 1.
I'd use a little differential amp to determine the result, which would be
fed into the PIC.
| .-.
| | |100k
| | |
| '-'
| | To PIC
| +------------
| |
___ |/ \| ___
A-|___|--| |--|___|-B
1k |< >| 1k
| |
| |
| |1k
created by Andy´s ASCII-Circuit v1.24.140803 Beta www.tech-chat.de
Again, the transistors are junkbox NPNs. A and B would be connected to A and
B in the transmitter via one of the twisted pairs in the cat5 cable.
Does this seem like a good approach? Do you think it be fast enough to get
good logic transitions? Also, I want to avoid spurious activations due to
Bob Monsen
photodiodes. These photodiodes will be activated by a shadow passing over a
hole. The shadow will be there for less than 60ms. This will be required to
generate a logic high pulse of at least a couple of ms at the input of a
PIC. The goals are that it be reliable, cheap, and durable. The environment
is very noisy electrically, since there will be lots of little electric
motors running in the area, within inches of the sensor circuit.
The sensors will be a maximum of 164' from the PIC. The hope is to use cat5
cable, simply because its available.
I would like to power the sensors remotely through the cable.
My initial idea is to simply put power and ground on three of the twisted
pairs to power a driver circuit, which would consist of a transistor circuit
as follows:
Please view with a fixed font like courier...
| | |
| .-. .-.
| | | | |
| | | 1k | | 4k7
photodiode - '-' '-'
^ | | A
| +----+--------------
| | | |
| |/ | |
+-------| .-. | B
| |> | | +--------
| | | |10k |
| | '-' |
.-. | | |/
| | | +---|
10k | | | |>
'-' | |
| | |
| | |
created by Andy´s ASCII-Circuit v1.24.140803 Beta www.tech-chat.de
The transistors would be junkbox NPNs like 2N2222A or 2N4401s.
At the PIC, the output would be determined by measuring the difference
between A and B. A < B would mean 0, and A > B would mean 1.
I'd use a little differential amp to determine the result, which would be
fed into the PIC.
| .-.
| | |100k
| | |
| '-'
| | To PIC
| +------------
| |
___ |/ \| ___
A-|___|--| |--|___|-B
1k |< >| 1k
| |
| |
| |1k
created by Andy´s ASCII-Circuit v1.24.140803 Beta www.tech-chat.de
Again, the transistors are junkbox NPNs. A and B would be connected to A and
B in the transmitter via one of the twisted pairs in the cat5 cable.
Does this seem like a good approach? Do you think it be fast enough to get
good logic transitions? Also, I want to avoid spurious activations due to
Bob Monsen